January 11, 2013

'Safe & Legal' Project Highlights Abortion's Danger to Women

In 1996, then-President Bill Clinton famously said he would like to see abortion "safe, legal and rare." Seventeen years later, abortion remains legal. It kills more than a million unborn babies a year, so it is certainly not rare. And as a new project called "Safe & Legal" demonstrates, abortion is not safe for women.

"We are bringing graphic visuals to the truth that abortion harms women," explains Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, which is co-sponsoring this project along with Operation Rescue and Life Dynamics (the group which initiated it).

A new brochure, entitled "Safe and Legal," shows a beautiful photo of Marla Cardamone, and then her horrific autopsy photos following her death by "safe and legal abortion" at a respected hospital in Pittsburgh, PA.

"I am grateful to Marla's mom, Deborah, and her husband for their full support of this project and their permission to use these photos," said Fr. Pavone. "As they know, this project isn't just about Marla; it's about the countless women Marla represents, who are killed by abortion without the world ever knowing."

This past July, Priests for Life and its Director of African-American Outreach, Alveda King, helped bring attention to a young mother, Tonya Reaves, who was killed after a botched second-trimester abortion in Chicago.

"The utter failure of the abortionist to get help for Tonya after she developed complications constitutes nothing less than murder," Fr. Pavone explained.

The case of Tonya, and many others, will be highlighted along with that of Marla on the special website, SafeAndLegal.com that has been developed for this project.

The brochure about Marla will be distributed widely by Priests for Life and others at this year's March for Life. Moreover, also at the March, Priests for Life will release Executive Director Janet Morana's new book, Recall Abortion, which makes the case that abortion is a failed product that should be recalled by the government just as other harmful products have been recalled. This book, along with the annual gathering of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, which Janet co-founded, will reinforce the same message about how abortion harms women.

"We ask everyone to get involved and to spread the truth about Marla and others killed and wounded by abortion," said Fr. Frank. "As Deborah Cardamone has said often, we have to speak, because if we are silent, we are part of the problem."

For more info, and for audio and video format of this press release, visit Priestsforlife.org/Marla.

Source: Priests for Life