January 11, 2013

News Links for January 11th

Caging the Human Cloning Beast

Hobby Lobby CEO Pens Letter About Loss of Religious Freedom

Planned Parenthood: More Dead Children and Largest Budget Ever

First National TV Ad Campaign Highlighting Adoption as Alternative to Abortion a Success

U.S. Attorney General Settles with Pro-Life Advocate in Legal Fiasco

'NAACP Forsakes Tonya Reaves and Natural Marriage, Favors Reproductive Genocide,' Says Dr. Alveda King

Sex Selection Abortion Behind India Rape Crisis?

Ethical Stem Cells as Effective as Embryonic

Unborn eviction notice

Supreme Court Declines to Review Sherley v Sebelius Stem Cell Lawsuit

Abortuary closes, investigation continues

Planned Parenthood: Record year for abortions, taxpayer funding

Regulations on abortion clinics will save lives

Mother wants abortion industry's lies to stop

Elk remembered ... babies ignored

Tens of thousands pledge support for Hobby Lobby

Time magazine says pro-life advocates are winning

Federal judge rejects Notre Dame's challenge to HHS mandate

French authorities find heightened health risks in new oral contraceptives

Supreme Court lets stand ruling allowing federally-funded embryonic stem-cell research

Court temporarily halts enforcement of HHS mandate against Illinois company

CHA leaders still hopes for 'accommodation' on HHS mandate

Times offers an unbiased look at pregnancy-help centers

Irish deputy prime minister disagrees with Pope's stand against legal abortion

Doctors ask British court to direct abortion for mentally disabled woman

Judge dismisses Protestant college's suit against HHS mandate

UN focus on abortion ignores deadly and preventable diseases

Irish bishops urge lawmakers against allowing abortion