Many pro-life groups have issued statements regarding the election results. So perhaps it is time for the Illinois Federation for Right to Life to issue a post-election statement to our membership, affiliates and pro-life activists. Perhaps even past time. I have been thinking about what to say to you. I will not insult or offend you by even suggesting that giving up or giving in is something that you have seriously considered. I know you. That is not the spirit that governs your life. Your heart drives you to do what is right in the face of great adversity. You simply cannot turn away from confronting evil with good. So I know you will be on the front line defending innocent life at all costs no matter how dark the days may appear. You are the light, you must show up.
The Federation is and will always be a grassroots organization. The strength of this organization is our foundation. You are our strength. So I have concluded that it is not time for me to issue a statement to you but a time for me to seek wisdom from you. It is a time for questions.
The IFRL Board of Directors will meet soon. And we will begin a process of evaluation. It is time to think about new ideas, new methods and new strategies. We intend to do so. We want to hear from you. You are the past, the present and the future of the pro-life movement in Illinois. What do you think we need to do to change the direction of this state? What are your ideas? What has your experience taught you? Please write us. I am certain that together we will discover the answers.
We all worked hard. We gave our all. I am aware that it is tough to face the results. But we are tough. We live in a state that has turned its back on innocent life but we will not let that stand-ever. So we get up, brush ourselves off and march on proclaiming the eternal truth that life is sacred.
Give up? Not a chance.
Contact: Dawn Behnke
Source: Illinois Federation for Right to Life