November 2, 2012

Nurses Set to Oppose Assisted Suicide


The American Nursing Association has a draft opinion out reiterating its opposition to euthanasia and assisted suicide. It is well worth the read. From the draft opinion:

The American Nurses Association (ANA) is strongly opposed to nurses' participation in assisted suicide and active euthanasia because these acts are in direct violation of The Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements (herein referred to as The Code, 2001), the ethical traditions and goals of the profession, and its covenant with society. Nurses have an obligation to provide humane, comprehensive, and compassionate care that respects the rights of patients but upholds the standards of the profession in the presence of chronic, debilitating illness and at end-of-life.

The ANA notes that the lives of the terminally ill have just as much value as the lives of other people:

Provision 1, Interpretive Statement 1.3 of

The Code (2001) speaks to the nurse's commitment to the inherent:

"worth, dignity and rights of all human beings irrespective of the nature of the health problem. The worth of the person is not affected by death, disability, functional status, or proximity to death."

That is a hugely important point, but typically, one the media continually ignore or refuse to see in their emotive and one-sided coverage of this crucial cultural issue.

The point of the publication of the draft position is to obtain public comment. May I suggest applause?

Contact: Wesley J. Smith
Source: National Review