October 28, 2011

On guard against Gardasil

A conservative, non-partisan foundation that advocates high ethical and moral standards in the nation's public life has uncovered more disturbing information about an FDA-approved vaccination that California is making available to young girls to fight against a sexually-transmitted virus.
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is thought in some cases to lead to cervical cancer, so Governor Jerry Brown has approved legislation that allows girls as young as 12 years old to obtain the Gardasil vaccine without their parents' knowledge. So Judicial Watch spokesman Christopher Farrell tells OneNewsNow that his organization utilized the Freedom of Information Act to obtain the latest reports from the Food and Drug Administration on the drug.

"In the latest batch of documents, there are 26 new reported deaths," he cites.

There are also thousands of reported side effects, including seizures, paralysis, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, and short-term memory loss. As a result, some well-respected scientists are now raising questions about Gardasil.

"Diane Harper, a doctor from Dartmouth University who was involved in the clinical trials, has expressed reservations. Another doctor [Abby Lippman] from McGill University up in Canada [has] raised issues or concerns," he lists. "Even The New England Journal of Medicine had a couple of questions about the vaccine, its efficacy, its safety, etcetera."

But in response to the concern about the deaths, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) insists "there was no unusual pattern or clustering to the deaths that would suggest they were caused by the vaccine."

Farrell suggests that parents look over the information provided on the Judicial Watch website before they agree to permit their children to receive the controversial vaccination.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow