October 12, 2011

Former abortion worker describes life at Boston Planned Parenthood


Catherine Adair, a former Boston Planned Parenthood worker, shared her story at the Value Voters Summit on Saturday.

Now a Catholic stay-at-home mom and pro-life advocate, Adair described her reaction to footage showing Planned Parenthood's complicity in child sex abuse, as well as gruesome details from her time working at a PP abortion center where business was "all abortions, all day, every day."

Adair's comments were made as a panel member in the breakout session titled, "Exposing and Defunding Planned Parenthood, America's Abortion Giant." The other panel members were Marjorie Dannenfelser of Susan B. Anthony List, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Live Actions' Lila Rose, whose video Adair referred to.

Click here for the video.

Contact: Kathleen Gilbert
Source: LifeSiteNews.com