September 23, 2011

New ad and website expose the magnitude of Obama’s loyalty to Planned Parenthood


The Susan B. Anthony List has released a catchy, informative video exposing the magnitude of Barack Obama's loyalty to Planned Parenthood in his capacity as president…

Click here to view the video.

SBA List's accompanying website,, shows how President Obama has reciprocated Planned Parenthood's $1.7 million political investment in 2008 and 2010:

During fiscal year 2009, Planned Parenthood reported receiving over $363 million dollars in government grants and contracts – an all-time record – boosting their annual budget to over $1 billion.

In February of 2011, in response to undercover videos by Live Action in which Planned Parenthood employees show a willingness to aid and abet in alleged sex trafficking of minors, Obama called it a "manufactured" issue….

When Speaker Boehner demanded that [a Planned Parenthood] cut be a part of the final Continuing Resolution deal to keep the federal government from shutting down, President Obama refused to cut a dime…. respond[ing], "Nope, zero. Nope, zero. John, this is it."

Now that states are taking the initiative to cut spending, SBA List reports how the Obama administrative is "trying to strong-arm and even bypass [their] decisions":

In June 2011, after [Indiana] Gov. Mitch Daniels signed into law a bill defunding Planned Parenthood, the Obama Administration responded by declaring their law to be "illegal." Furthermore, the Obama Administration told the state that if it did not change the law, Health and Human Services would consider pulling the state's Medicaid funding, which totals $4.3 billion….

After declaring Indiana's law to be illegal, HHS issued a warning to other states stating that they are not permitted to "exclude providers from the program solely on the basis of the range of medical services they provide."

In September 2011, responding to a decision made by the elected members of New Hampshire's Executive Council to reject a $1.8 million dollar contract with Planned Parenthood, the Obama Administration bypassed the state and contracted directly with Planned Parenthood. The non-competitive contract outraged local officials….

It really is breathtaking to see how far Obama has been willing to go to force not only federal taxpayers but state legislatures to continue financially supporting Planned Parenthood.

But this support is only temporal. Obama and Planned Parenthood are merely fighting headwinds.

Contact: Jill Stanek