
February 25, 2011

Planned Parenthood expected to fight back

The House has voiced its opinion about Planned Parenthood and said federal funding of the abortion-provider should stop.

In debate on a Continuing Resolution to provide funding for the federal government, the House yesterday approved the Pence Amendment, de-funding Planned Parenthood for 2011. Douglas Johnson of the National Right to Life Committee responds.
"The landmark vote really demonstrates that most House members now recognize Planned Parenthood is a hyper-political, under-regulated, and out-of-control mega-marketer of abortion," states Johnson.
Now the Senate will have to take up the spending bill with the House-approved Planned Parenthood de-funding amendment. Johnson likes that idea. "Each senator is going to have to go on record as to whether to push the snout of this bloated abortion marketer, Planned Parenthood, out of the U.S. Treasury," he says.
The pro-life leader promises that the debate in the Senate will likely be a battle royal.
"The Planned Parenthood Federation has enormous financial resources. It's a billion-dollar-plus corporation [and] they get one-third of their money from government sources," he explains. "They are going to fight back vehemently on this and try to bring all of their political assets to bear on the Senate."
But Johnson adds that voters can bring enormous pressure to bear by contacting their senators and asking them to approve elimination of government Planned Parenthood funding.
Friday's vote came in the aftermath of undercover videos showing clinic staff in three states telling a man and woman, posing as a pimp and prostitute, how to obtain services, including abortions, for underage prostitutes.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow

Illinois Federation for Right to Life
2600 State Street, Suite E
Alton, IL  62002

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