
February 25, 2011

Abortion money on college campuses

The group Students for Life has released a survey indicating the degree to which parents are paying for abortion coverage for youngsters in college.

The idea for the research began when Students for Life discovered that medical insurance for students at the University of North Carolina includes abortion. The group's executive director, Kristan Hawkins, decided to look at insurance coverage at 200 of the country's better known schools.
"[We found that] 194 out of the 200 schools offer some sort of school-sponsored healthcare plan," she tells OneNewsNow. "So this is a plan that either the students are being forced to have, or it's offered at a reduced rate for kids who don't have health insurance.
She adds that at 86 of those 194 schools (44.3%), the school-sponsored healthcare plans cover elective abortions. Another shocker was learning that 44 percent of those schools automatically charge students for the healthcare plan -- meaning that many pro-life students and parents are financially underwriting abortion.
Hawkins also reports the results from an examination of federal grants.
"If a student is receiving any federal grant -- federal money that they don't have to pay back; [money] that you and I are paying -- the students can be applying this federal grant to pay for this abortion healthcare," she notes. "That directly violates the Henry Hyde Amendment, which bans taxpayer funding of abortion...and no one's asking these questions."
Even though Students for Life has addressed the questions with letters to federal officials, no answers have yet been offered.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Illinois Federation for Right to Life
2600 State Street, Suite E
Alton, IL  62002

Phone: 618-466-4122
Fax: 618-466-4134