As in years past, 2010 saw pro-lifers persevere as they waged war against the culture of death.
Brigham not above the law
Steven Chase Brigham had been operating abortion clinics in three states even though he had lost or surrendered his license in several of them. In October, New Jersey was still pondering whether to revoke his license. That state's attorney general suggested Brigham committed multiple actions in the context of alleged acts of dishonesty and deception.
Operation Rescue's Cheryl Sullinger told OneNewsNow that Brigham would start late-term abortions in New Jersey where he was licensed, but complete them in Maryland where he had no license.
"Mr. Brigham seems to think that he is above the law and that the laws of the state of New Jersey, and any other state for that matter, don't apply to him," the activist shared.
Sullinger believes the attorney general and medical board were not buying Brigham's denial of guilt. "They think this guy is basically lying to the board and to everybody else about the legality of his business and what actually goes on there, and so a person like that can't be trusted to practice medicine in any state," she contended.
Pro-life groups are hopeful the new state attorney will prosecute Brigham and try to send him to prison. Meanwhile, a total of four abortionists in the state, three of them who worked for Brigham, have lost their medical licenses.
Abortion's cancer link reaffirmed
Study after study is showing a definite link between abortion and breast cancer, yet leading cancer organizations refuse to recognize it. Karen Malec of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer told OneNewsNow the latest study again shows a link.
"This is a study that came out of Northeast China, and they examined reproductive factors that were associated with different subtypes of breast cancer," Malec explained. "And they found that women who have abortions increase their risk of developing breast cancer later on in life by a statistically significant 17 percent."
Yet most women are not aware of it because they are not informed, she added. The pro-lifer indicated China is a good source for research since women there experience three to five abortions because of that country's one-child policy and forced abortions.
Another abortion clinic caught on camera
Student led Live Action continued to conduct eye-opening undercover probes of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics in 2010. One of them was in Indianapolis, according to Live Action founder Lila Rose.
"What we found here at this clinic in Indianapolis is pretty disturbing," Rose commented. "Our investigative actor [is] asking basic questions about the development of her unborn child, about the risks of abortion, and she is being given fabricated information, false information in an attempt to convince her to choose abortion."
Indiana has a woman's right to know law which requires abortion clinics to give women accurate information -- and Rose said the actions violate state law. In addition, Live Action investigations of Planned Parenthood in several states revealed clinics provide abortions to underage girls, reporting it to neither parents nor police to enforce statutory rape charges.
FDA approves abortion pill, ignores reality
In late 2010, the Food and Drug Administration approved ellaOne, the latest Plan B or "morning-after" pill designed to end a pregnancy within five days of intimacy. Pharmacist Mike Koelzer of Pharmacists for Life International told OneNewsNow the Plan B drug is an abortifacient.
"This one is even further down that road of being a drug that prevents the uterus from accepting a new life," he contended. "It makes the uterus inhospitable, which then causes that new life to be sloughed off, causing a very early abortion."
There has been no consideration from the FDA for doctors and pharmacists who object to the drug. The Obama administration promised to develop fair conscience protections for the medical field, but so far has not delivered on it.
Euthanasia weighs evenly on U.S. morality scale
A Gallup poll released during the year shows an even split among Americans over the issue of doctor-assisted suicide. But Rita Marker of the International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide says it actually shows a shift of Americans no longer supporting the idea -- which she argued means the public is becoming more educated.
"Two years ago, 51 percent found it to be morally acceptable. It's gone down five percentage points," she reported. "The same way in 2008: 44 percent thought it was wrong; now 46 percent think it's wrong. So since 2003, it has not been this much of a drop."
Realizing the divide among Americans on pro-life issues, advocates are working to change the hearts and minds by insisting that issues be framed properly.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: December 31, 2010