
January 3, 2011

Pro-life group recognizes mom's battle with abortionist

     Eileen Smith with a picture of her daughter Laura Hope Smith

Operation Rescue has named as its pro-life person of the year for 2010 a mother who lost her daughter in a botched abortion.

The pro-life advocacy group feels the recipient of its 2010 Pro-Life Person of the Year Malachi Award is perfectly described by the award's name -- Malachi, which means "my messenger" or "my angel."

"Mrs. Eileen Smith, who tirelessly pursued an abortionist who killed her daughter, Laura Hope Smith, to the point where he was incarcerated and had to pay over $2 million in a fine back to the family," is who Operation Rescue has chosen, according to President Troy Newman. "So we are proud of her and proud to award her this year's Malachi Award on behalf of the babies."

Newman believes the abortionist might have gone unprosecuted had Smith not persevered and "made sure that justice would be served in this case." Though he admits the sentence was not as stiff as the pro-life group had wanted, he believes "the shockwaves of this sentence on Rapin Osathanondh, the abortionist, have reverberated throughout the abortion industry, and people are going to think twice before they butcher the next woman."

Among previous winners of the award are Jim Pouillon, who was gunned down in a peaceful pro-life demonstration in 2009, and Lila Rose of Live Action Films for her undercover probes of Planned Parenthood.

Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: January 3, 2011