Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell is accused in the death of one adult patient, as well as the deaths of seven viable babies born alive during abortions and stabbed to death with scissors. National Right to Life executive director Dr. David O'Steen calls the reports surrounding the case a reminder that the purpose of each abortion -- no matter how it is performed -- is to "deliberately and brutally take at least one innocent human life."
"The victims are helpless little members of the human family," he continues, "and this is equally true whether the killing is completed inside or outside of the womb." He is calling for Gosnell to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if the reports prove true.
Gramley says one particularly appalling aspect of the case is that the state had not investigated the clinic since 1993, despite numerous complaints being lodged. "There needs to be review of the regulations," she remarks. "And if they need to be tightened, that's definitely something that should be addressed in light of this case -- and that should be addressed in the new legislature."
When investigators finally checked the facilities at Gosnell's Women's Medical Society early last year, they found numerous containers with the preserved remains of aborted babies. None of Gosnell's employees had medical training yet were apparently administering drugs to patients. The indictments also allege a high school student administered intravenous anesthesia with drugs that could have been lethal.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow