In observance of Martin Luther King Day, pro-lifers are focusing in part on a major civil rights issue.
Joseph Parker (right), pastor of two African-Methodist-Episcopal churches in Mississippi, says today's culture often overlooks the critical questions and issues related to life and the unborn. Instead, he says, people tend to avoid pushing their moral views on others or agree that it is up to a woman to decide what she should do with her body.
"Tragically, this kind of argument has become just a smokescreen that has kept too many from really seeing the true issue at hand," Parker laments. "The false claim has been that the abortion issue is about women's rights and reproductive freedom, but this is simply marketing hype and lies. In reality, it was racism and eugenics that drove the legalization of abortion."
More than 30 percent of abortions that take place in the U.S. involve the killing of black babies -- a truth clearly portrayed in a documentary called Maafa 21, which was produced by Life Dynamics. A group of black pastors will show that film today at its "Festival for Life" at Wesley Biblical Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi.
"One of the great needs in our society is to recognize that there's a huge need for us to take a stand for the civil rights of the unborn child [and] that the civil rights of the unborn need to be respected and protected," Parker concludes.
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He goes on to point out that Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., describes standing up for the rights of the unborn as one of the most serious civil rights issues of our time. The Mississippi pastor recently spoke at a rally in Jackson, where he voiced his agreement with that statement. (View YouTube video above)
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: January 17, 2011