November 4, 2010

"Awesome" Election 2010: Reaction from US Pro-Life Leaders


"Last night (Tuesday night) was a great night for the pro-life movement," said Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life reacting to Tuesday night's election results. "New pro-life governors, representatives, senators, and state legislators across the nation have won victories."

Brad Mattes, Executive Director of Life Issues Institute said: "America sent a loud and clear message at the polls yesterday. Voters said that President Obama's pro-abortion agenda-the most pro-abortion in history-is taking our nation in the wrong direction."

Americans United for Life (AUL) Action which ran over 5,000 radio ads as part of their effort to get out the pro-life vote cheered the results. "During the debate over the health care bill, we urged Members of Congress to reject taxpayer-funded abortion," said Dr. Charmaine Yoest, President and CEO, AUL Action. "Yesterday, eleven politicians learned that Life Counts, and voters elected a new Congress committed to defending Life."

"We are grateful to the Lord that so many Americans voted in accordance with their well-formed consciences, choosing candidates who are more likely to protect life and family," said Human Life International President Monsignor Ignacio Barreiro-Carambula.  "After the disappointing results of the previous election, it is very encouraging to see that American citizens are returning to the foundational values of the nation."

Family Research Council Action was very pleased that many of the candidates they endorsed were elected with a 100% re-election rate for those who scored 100% on FRC Action's scorecard. "Tonight's election results points to the significant impact of the natural alliance between the Tea Party, social conservatives, and other Americans disillusioned by Washington's politics as usual," said FRC Action President Tony Perkins.

Pro-Life women had much to celebrate with four female pro-life Governors elected and the entrance of the first pro-life woman into the current Senate. 

"Kelly Ayotte fills a major void in Congress as the U.S. Senate currently lacks a single woman's pro-life voice," said Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of Susan B. Anthony List which supported Ayotte's campaign. "She represents the flowering of the original pro-life roots of the women's movement which rejected the notion that the rights of unborn children and their mothers could be detached.

Concerned Women for America called last night "a good night for concerned women." Penny Nance, CEO of Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, stated: "Conservative women spoke loud and clear in the 2010 elections. Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee led efforts to mobilize behind principled candidates like Rand Paul and Marco Rubio in the Senate and Vickie Hartzler and Kristi Noem and many others in the House.

The celebratory mood however has not dampened the fighting spirit of the leaders.  FRC Action's Perkins said that "Voters will now look to the newly elected GOP-led House of Representatives to restore the Constitution to its proper role and fulfill its pledge to ' honor families, traditional marriage, life, and the private and faith-based organizations that form the core of our American values.'"

Fr. Pavone urged supporters: "Now let's communicate with and encourage our newly-elected officials, and work with them on the specific initiatives that will need our help.  And let the work begin to make even greater progress in 2012. Sign up at"

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), is urging the new Congress to repeal President Obama's flawed healthcare package. "Most Americans have said they want ObamaCare repealed," said ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow.  "And, now with a sweeping change in Congress, it's time to do just that. The fact is with the outcome of this election - along with growing opposition to ObamaCare - this is the perfect time to act legislatively and repeal the health care law."

Msgr. Barreiro noted that despite the victories "we need to remain vigilant: the newly-elected pro-life members of Congress must act in coherence with the promises they made during their campaigns. Also these results show, particularly with regard to the Senate results, that we have to continue our efforts to preach in season and out of season the Gospel of Life because it is evident that many Americans continue to be closed to the light of the truth."

Mattes pointed out in a conversation with LifeSiteNews that in addition to major victories in Congress and among Governors, many pro-life members of state legislatures were elected. "All of this should give Planned Parenthood heartburn," said Mattes referring to the fact that a growing number of PP affiliates are suspected of financial fraud regarding overbilling Medicaid for abortion and family planning services.

In Wisconsin new pro-life majorities were elected in the state Senate and state Assembly as well as a pro-life governor and lieutenant governor. "We congratulate Governor-elect Scott Walker and Lieutenant Governor-elect Rebecca Kleefisch on their outstanding victories, victories for Wisconsin's preborn children and the vulnerable elderly and disabled," said Mary Matuska, president of the Pro-Life Wisconsin (PLW) Victory Fund political action committee (PAC).

Similarly in Ohio pro-life candidates swept each and every statewide office. Furthermore, pro-life Ohioans elected new members of Ohio's congressional delegation committed to defending Life.  ORTL PAC distributed 500,000 ballot cards statewide and made tens of thousands of automated calls in key races among other activities.

Ohio Right to Life PAC's Mike Gonidakis pointed out that five ORTL PAC Congressional candidates defeated incumbents who voted for Obamacare.  ORTL was also proud to announce that their own pro-life Congressman John Boehner, will be the next Speaker of the US House of Representatives.

John-Henry Westen
Publish Date: November 3, 2010