
October 11, 2010

Pro-lifers working to end call for 'telemed'

A pro-life organization is taking a closer look at the abortion pill RU-486.

      Setting up telemed abortion site

As Operation Rescue is working to end "telemed" abortions in Iowa Planned Parenthood clinics, the organization wants to hear from women and girls who have used and had complications from the drugs provided in this method of pregnancy termination. Spokeswoman Cheryl Syllinger explains that the list of medications includes "the RU-486 pill on its own, another drug known as Sidotec on its own, or a combination of the two, especially if the women got their abortions in Iowa."

Cheryl Sullinger (Operation Rescue)Operation Rescue believes the method, which involves a woman talking to a distant abortion doctor via an Internet connection and receiving RU-486 by pushing a button, is illegal as it requires patients to go home "in order to take the drug on their own."

Sullinger says her organization believes "there have been complications from that, but so far we haven't had any women step forward and talk about their experience."

Some of the complications include infection or incomplete abortions that require surgical removal of the baby. The pro-life organization's motivation is to publicize those problems and raise awareness about the nine women who died after using the drug. Operation Rescue also hopes to provide information to Iowa state officials who are considering its complaint against "telemed" abortions.

Contact:  Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Date Published: October 9, 2010
--  Illinois Federation for Right to Life 2600 State Street, Suite. E Alton, IL  62002  Phone: 618.466.4122 Fax: 618.466.4134 Web: E-mail: