
October 11, 2010

Activist: 'All girls allowed'

      Chai Ling, two-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee and former chief student leader in the 1989 Tiananmen Square Movement

A new non-profit group is fighting against "gendercide," forced abortions and sterilizations in China.

All Girls Allowed was founded by Chai Ling, two-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee and former chief student leader in the 1989 Tiananmen Square Movement. She addresses the impact of the one-child policy.

"Under that policy, there were over 400 million lives, mostly in the form of little babies...taken," Ling laments. "Each day, there are over 35,000 forced abortions, and...over 500 mothers...commit suicide."

Chai Ling (All Girls Allowed)Female babies in China are often aborted or abandoned, as male babies are generally favored because they eventually support their families and care for their elderly parents. All Girls Allowed is committed to restoring life, value and dignity to girls and mothers, and also to revealing the injustice of China's one-child policy.

Chai Ling tells about one victim who already had one child, but during a required annual medical exam learned she was pregnant again. So police ordered her to have an abortion.

"Without her consent [or] her family members present, meaning mostly her husband, [they] forced her into [an] abortion clinic, which is next door," the two-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee reports. "She was put on the table, and [they] performed the procedure with no anesthetic."

Also, without the patient's knowledge or consent, doctors inserted an IUD to prevent future pregnancies -- a procedure that takes place about 35,000 times per day.

Chai Ling shares that her deep concern with China's policy came especially after her conversion to Christianity. After that, God called her to form All Girls Allowed and combat the issue.

Contact:  Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Date Published: October 10, 2010
--  Illinois Federation for Right to Life 2600 State Street, Suite. E Alton, IL  62002  Phone: 618.466.4122 Fax: 618.466.4134 Web: E-mail: