
October 8, 2010

'No on 62' Campaign Accused of Fraud Against Colorado Voters; Libel Against Amendment 62

Personhood Amendment 62

Personhood Amendment 62 sponsors have requested that the 'No on 62' campaign cease and desist their false proclamations that Amendment 62 would ban or "halt" in vitro fertilization and stem cell research.

The 'No on 62' campaign recently released a press statement claiming that "Amendment 62 would halt in-vitro and medical options" and that "the use of stem cell research to seek cures...would certainly be halted", although both statements are absolutely false.

Amendment 62 simply recognizes the rights of all people. Amendment 62 has no bearing upon the creation of those human beings, whether they are created through natural reproduction or through in-vitro fertilization.

Adult stem cell research has produced scores of effective treatments and remains most promising. Therefore the 'No on 62' claim that all stem cell research will be halted is an enormous and blatant deception. Amendment 62 would ban the fatal dissecting and harvesting of the bodies of the tiniest children in embryonic research.

"From our perspective, it's encouraging to see that our opponents feel that they must resort to lies," commented Leslie Hanks, co-sponsor of Amendment 62. "Of course in-vitro fertilization will still be legal once Amendment 62 passes; in fact, the passage of Amendment 62 will make in-vitro fertilization safer. Amendment 62 is about recognizing, respecting, and protecting the value and dignity of every person, no matter their size or location. These falsehoods from our opposition only highlight their desperation."

As any person can read and understand for themselves, Amendment 62 only affects human beings who are already in existence. It would be impossible for Amendment 62 to prohibit procreation in any way, or to prohibit the use of the most promising stem cell research.

"Amendment 62 has committed to honesty during our campaign, but it's no surprise that our opposition, which is backed by abortion industry giant Planned Parenthood, has resorted to outright lies. They are protecting their billion dollar income," explained Gualberto GarciaJones, co-sponsor of Amendment 62. "Fertility treatments, contraception, and stem cell research cannot be halted by Amendment 62, which protects the constitutional rights of all human beings. We may not have the deep pockets of our opponents, but we have science and truth on our side. We are only asking that our opponents refrain from outright lies. Colorado voters deserve the truth, and I am sure that most people will see through these deceptions about Amendment 62."

Contact: Jennifer Mason

Source: Personhood Amendment
Date Published: October 7, 2010