
October 8, 2010

Microbiologist Exposes National Cancer Institute's Cover-Up of Abortion-Breast Cancer Link

2003 Workshop, "Early Reproductive Events and Breast Cancer" Was Fraudulent


Dr. Nadal holds a Ph.D. in molecular microbiology.


The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer notes that microbiologist Gerard Nadal, PhD is exposing on his blog the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) cover-up of the abortion-breast cancer (ABC) link at its 2003 workshop entitled, "Early Reproductive Events and Breast Cancer." Dr. Nadal, who has taught at St. John's University and Manhattan College, accused the organizer of the workshop, NCI branch chief Dr. Louise Brinton, of having "done violence to the truth." He compared her statements about the ABC link to a Wimbledon match and charged that she and her colleagues are "sincerely unethical and corrupt."

Dr. Leslie Bernstein, a leader/moderator at the workshop, gave her reasons for covering up the ABC link in an interview with a few days after the workshop had concluded. She said:

"There are so many other messages we can give women about lifestyle modification and the impact of lifestyle and risk that I would never be a proponent of going around and telling them that having babies is the way to reduce your risk....I don't want the issue relating to induced abortion to breast cancer risk to be part of the mix of the discussion of induced abortion its legality, its continued availability. I think it should not be part of the argument." [1]

The NCI's misconduct was previously revealed in a detailed letter to President Obama and Congressional leaders on January 25, 2010 which called for a Congressional investigation of the NCI and its failure to issue timely warnings about the breast cancer risks of abortion and oral contraceptives. [2] Those signing the letter include the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, two scientists - Dr. Nadal and Professor Joel Brind - three medical groups, 15 physicians and 19 pro-family organizations. So far, Obama and Congressional leaders have not exhibited the slightest interest in protecting women's lives.

Dr. Nadal has promised to review one study on the ABC link every day until he has exhausted all of the research in January or February of 2011.

References available online at:


Contact: Karen Malec

Source: Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer
Date Published: October 7, 2010