Police in Rockford, Illinois, recently confiscated a van used by pro-lifers to offer free sonograms near an infamous abortion clinic. Authorities justified their actions by citing a city ordinance that had no relevance to the situation.
A group of Christians raised money to bring an ultrasound truck to Rockford to park near an internationally known abortion facility and provide free sonograms for women entering the clinic. Local pro-life prayer warrior Kevin Rilott of the Rockford Pro-Life Initiative says that was with the full knowledge and permission of the police department.
"Two police officers, who seemed rather reluctant, showed up and served on the technician and the driver a letter from the police chief stating that they're in violation of a city ordinance covering soliciting," Rilott reports.
They were told to leave Rockford or face a possible arrest warrant. Five minutes later, the unit was driven away.
"We worked with the police for a month before, and everything was fine, except there's someone in the city's attorney's office who has a very friendly relationship with those who operate the Rockford abortion facility," the pro-lifer reports.
The cited ordinance -- Article III. Charitable Solicitations -- prohibits "conduct whereby a person solicits property, financial aid, gifts in money, donations, contributions, [or] any article representing monetary value," so Rilott contends that an examination of law reveals no violation since the ultrasounds were free. He notes that legal action is under consideration.
Meanwhile, as word spreads about the latest incident, the Rockford pro-lifer says the city attorney's office is getting e-mails and phone calls from across the nation expressing outrage against the city's action.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Date Published: September 22, 2010