June 7, 2010



Planned Parenthood accelerates push for 'sexual rights' of adolescents

     International Planned Parenthood Logo
International Planned
      Parenthood Federation

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is boosting its efforts to influence young people, the group's annual financial report shows. IPPF-- which enjoyed $140 million in revenues in 2009, mostly from government grants-- is pushing for international recognition of the "sexual rights" of adolescents.
Click here for the entire article.

Help Us Defeat the Culture of Death: Come to the Baby Conference

     The Baby Conference July 8-10 in San Antonio
     The Baby Conference
      July 8-10 in San Antonio

Just a few of the topics covered and messages to be brought at The Baby Conference: The Blessing of Children--Large Family Logistics--What the Bible Says About Biblical Discipline in the Home-Everything You Need to Know About Adoption--The First Three Years--Reversal Surgery--The Wonders of Embryology--Naming Your Children--Children as Pets-Toys, Tools and Children--The Role of Grandparents in the Life of Children--The Hopeful Theology of Miscarriage--How the Local Church Builds a Culture of Life--The Myth of Overpopulation--Caring for Disabled Children--Surviving the First Fifty Years of the Pill--Top Legal issues Facing Parents--The Demographic Bomb--What the Bible Says About Birth Control--The Future of Health Care for Christian Families--Surrogacy--Designer Babies--Artificial Wombs--Brain Death--Care for the Elderly--Birthing Options.
Click here for the entire article.

Research Links Genetically Modified Food To Long Term Sterility

     Genetically Modified Food may cause long term sterility
Genetically Modified Food
      may cause long term sterility

A new study done by Russian scientists suggests that Genetically Modified Food may cause long term sterility, that is, sterility in second and third generations. The scientists used hamsters for this research and divided them into groups. One group of hamsters was fed a normal diet without any soy products, a second group was fed non-GMO (genetically modified organism) soy, the third ate GM soy and the fourth group was fed an even higher amount of GM soy than the third. Each group produced about seven to eight litters of baby hamsters each without any problems. But when the researchers selected new breeding pairs from the offspring, the second generation had a slower growth rate and reached their sexual maturity later than normal. They also had a mortality rate, five times higher than the hamsters who didn't eat soy.
Click here for the entire article.

New UN Report Confirms Canada's Refusal to Fund Third World Abortion

     Third World Abortion Tools
Third World Abortion Tools

A new report from the World Health Organization and UNICEF has underscored the wisdom behind Prime Minister Stephen Harper's decision to exclude abortion from Canada's maternal and child health initiative.  Declaring that 2 million maternal, newborn, and stillbirth deaths result each year from a lack of skilled birth attendants, the Countdown to 2015 Decade Report (2000-2010) reveals the importance of the simple solutions that Harper outlined when he first announced the initiative in January.

The report, released Thursday, tracked the progress over the last decade of the 68 countries where more than 95% of all maternal and child deaths take place.  
Click here for the entire article.

Poll: 60 Percent of Americans Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill

     President Obama signs the Democrats' health care bill into law in the East Room of the White House on Tuesday, March 23, 2010. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
     President Obama signs
      the Democrats' health
      care bill into law.

Nearly two out of three Americans polled are in favor of repealing the health-care bill that Congress passed in March according to a recent Rasmussen Report.
Down three points from last week, this is the second straight week the polling company has found support at or above 60 percent for a repeal of the bill that will reform the national health care system.
Click here for the entire article.

Antidepressants during pregnancy cause alarming 68 percent increased risk of miscarriage

     The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned that exposure to the antidepressant paroxetine (sold as Paxil, Paxil CR, and Pexeva) in the first trimester of pregnancy might increase the risk for birth defects
Antidepressants during
       pregnancy can cause

Back in 2005, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned that exposure to the antidepressant paroxetine (sold as Paxil, Paxil CR, and Pexeva) in the first trimester of pregnancy might increase the risk for birth defects, especially heart problems. Did this halt the widespread prescribing of paroxetine and other antidepressants for pregnant women? Unfortunately, the answer is no.
Click here for the entire article.