May 13, 2010

Sex-selective abortion - a wrong 'right'

Sex-selective abortion - a wrong 'right'

It's a girl balloonIt's a boy balloon

Forty percent of births worldwide are taking place in countries where sex-selection abortion is a problem, and though that is troublesome on it own, another issue is on the rise.
In those countries, female babies are aborted more often than males, meaning the majority of the population is made up of men. "But beyond that there's a huge epidemic now in countries that are lacking women, where they go and they kidnap women, where they force them into prostitution," Joseph Meaney, director of international coordination for Human Life International, points out.

"This trafficking problem that we've heard of -- trafficking people for sex slavery and other things -- this is also related to this sex-selection abortion problem," he adds.

He believes the most astonishing aspect of the situation is that there is no outcry from feminist organizations.

"In fact, I was present at the U.N. in 2007 when a resolution was brought forward to condemn sex-selection abortion as discrimination against women, and the feminist organizations fought against it because they believe in unlimited abortion," Meaney reports. "They don't think that there's any reason why a woman should be denied an abortion, even if she wants to kill her unborn girl."

He concludes this stance is hypocritical on the part of organizations that claim to be defending women, when actually, they believe abortion is a higher right than the right of baby girls to be born.

Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: May 13, 2010
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