May 27, 2010

On the path to over-the-counter abortions

On the path to over-the-counter abortions

The new abortion pill ellaOne® (Ulipristal acetate)

On June 17, the FDA's Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health will hold a public hearing to begin the approval process of a new abortion pill, Ulipristal acetate, to be marketed by the brand names ella® or ellaOne®.

ellaOne can be taken up to five days after unprotected sex, as opposed to emergency contraception, which can be taken up to three days after unprotected sex.

ellaOne has been marketed in the United Kingdom since September 2009 as an emergency contraceptive, but it does not chemically work the same in a woman's body as an EC.

In fact, ellaOne works the same as mifepristone, or RU486, also known as the abortion pill, which can be taken up to 49 days after the first day of a woman's last period.

While ellaOne and RU486 are composed of different chemical compounds, they are both progesterone blockers, while the EC is a progesterone.

A "fact sheet" by the Reproductive Health Technologies Project, which is pushing FDA approval of ellaOne, confirms "mifepristone [RU486] and ulipristal acetate [ellaOne] are both selective progesterone modulators."

ellaOne blocks progesterone from reaching the cushiony lining of a mother's uterus, the endometrium. ellaOne causes the endometrium to degrade and her days-old embryo to die.

Since RU486 is taken later in pregnancy, it blocks progesterone from reaching a mother's placenta, thereby causing it to degrade and her weeks-old embryo to die.

According to a 2009 report from the European Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use, or CHMP, quoted by Wikipedia, "like mifepristone [RU486], ulipristal acetate [ellaOne] is embryotoxic in animal studies."

All of this is not to say the EC cannot be "embryotoxic" as well. It just kills differently by either slowing the embryo down from reaching the uterus alive or by making the uterus impermeable to implantation by the embryo.

The EC and ellaOne may also work by delaying ovulation or making it difficult for sperm to reach egg.

Bottom line: While in actuality the EC and ellaOne may cause abortions, and RU486 certainly does, ellaOne is admitted to be "embryotoxic" and works chemically the same as RU486, so it should not be classified as an emergency contraception.             

Let me back up and say the labeling for ECs (and birth-control pills, which work chemically the same as EC) and ellaOne falsely state they do not cause abortions.

This is only because the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology changed the definition of "pregnancy" in the 1970s to state it did not commence at conception but at implantation, which "can be completed as early as eight days or as late as 18 days after fertilization, but usually takes about 14 days."

So, quoting the Guttmacher Institute, "[a] pregnancy is considered to be established only after implantation is complete."

This means, absurdly, a preborn human can live up to two and a half weeks inside his or her mother, but she is not considered pregnant.

Aside from preborn humans, the other losers in all this confusion are women who are not being properly informed about the possible consequences of ingesting any of these pills.

It is a travesty that liberal ideologues and feminists are leading women to believe these pills prevent pregnancy when, in fact, they may kill newly conceived offspring.

Meanwhile, since ellaOne works the same as RU486, the Family Research Council asks good questions:

    Why is ellaOne limited to five days post-intercourse? Wouldn't it cause the demise of a post-implantation embryo well beyond five days, even up to 40 days like RU486?

In fact, according to CHMP, six of 29 women studied who were found to be pregnant after taking ellaOne went on to spontaneously miscarry. That's 20 percent.

ellaOne is an abortion pill. Backers want it considered an EC to make it available first by prescription and then over-the-counter, as was the EC.

If the FDA approves ellaOne as an EC, the day draws closer when abortion proponents push to make RU486 available first by prescription and then over-the-counter.

We just learned Planned Parenthood is already experimenting with distributing RU486 via webcam. "Telemed" abortions allow an abortionist to dispense RU486 and its companion drug misoprostol to patients hundreds of miles away by simply touching a computer screen button.

Imagine one abortionist in an unidentified office with five or 10 or more computer screens from which s/he dispenses abortion pills on a rotating basis to every "family planning office" in every nook and cranny of the U.S.

Can't get much closer to writing abortion prescriptions than that, which will be next.

Medical abortions are radically altering the abortion landscape.

Contact: Jill Stanek
Source: WorldNetDaily
Publish Date:
May 26, 2010
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