May 3, 2010



Second Annual Pro-Life Campus Activism Winners Announced

Human Life Alliance logo

  Students for Life America logo

Human Life Alliance (HLA) and Students for Life of America (SFLA) announce the winners of the second annual Campus Impact Award.

Designed to encourage students to develop pro-life activism on campus, this year's award winners include clubs that sponsored a major first time event and two unique African American student outreach projects.

"It was difficult to select a winner this year," stated HLA Executive Director Jo Tolck. "Student clubs from around the country worked on a variety of projects -- many faced great opposition. We're proud of each and every one of them."
Click here for the entire article.

Attorneys Agree to Block on Oklahoma Abortion Law

District Judge Noma Gurich

Attorneys for Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson have agreed to a court order requested by abortion providers to temporarily block enforcement of the state's new abortion law.
The law requires pregnant women to have an ultrasound and hear a detailed description of the fetus before they can get an abortion.
The agreement stopped a scheduled hearing Monday in Oklahoma County District Court on the request for a restraining order by the New York-based Center for Reproductive Rights. District Judge Noma Gurich said she was notified by attorneys for both sides that they would accept the temporary restraining order.
Click here for the entire article.

Teen Girls Bribed to Get Gardasil Vaccine With Shopping Vouchers

Gardasil Vaccine

The British National Health Service (NHS) has begun bribing teenage girls between the ages of 16 and 18 to get Gardasil vaccines. Officials are giving shopping vouchers worth the equivalent of roughly $70 to girls who agree to get jabbed with the vaccine, which has been implicated in numerous cases of severe harm and death. Officials from NHS Birmingham East and North have initiated the pilot program which is costing taxpayers the equivalent of about $35,000. No parental consent is required in order for young girls to participate in the program.
Click here for the entire article.

Unborn babies seized from 'unfit' Perth mothers

Unborn babies seized from 'unfit' Perth mothers

Under a new radical government policy, expectant mothers have to show that they are fit to care for their baby.

If expectant mother fails to satisfy child-protection officers, the officers will immediately arrange for a removal procedure. The procedure will mean that as soon as the baby is born, the baby will be put under the state care.

Expectant mothers who are 20 weeks or more pregnant will have to go through drug tests to ensure that they don't abuse drugs and to prove having a permanent accommodation.

Abortion Grief Australia is concerned the scheme could lead to a rise in early abortions and expectant mothers committing suicide.
Click here for the entire article.

If Nominated To Supreme Court, Wood Would Bring Record Of Support For Abortion Rights

7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Diane Wood -- a contender to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens

In her 15 years on the federal bench, 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Diane Wood -- a contender to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens -- "has pleased abortion-rights supporters with several opinions," the Wall Street Journal reports. The fact that Wood has ruled on multiple abortion-related cases contrasts with the "less well-defined views" of two other contenders -- Solicitor General Elena Kagan and D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Merrick Garland. As a result, Wood's nomination might be more likely to prompt objections from conservatives, according to the Journal.

Wood expressed support for the philosophical underpinnings of the court's decision in Roe v. Wade before joining the federal bench, the Journal reports. In 1993, Wood praised Justice Harry Blackmun -- her former boss and author of the Roe decision -- in the Dickinson Law Review, stating, "Blackmun articulated in Roe ... the important insight that a core set of individual rights exists that neither the states nor the federal government may trample."
Click here for the entire article.

Florida the Latest State to Opt Out of Taxpayer-Funded Abortion with Help from Americans United for Life

Florida the Latest State to Opt Out of Taxpayer-Funded Abortion

Florida just became the fourth state to pass legislation opting-out of taxpayer-funded abortion provisions established by the new federal health care reform law.

Florida's legislation ensures that insurance plans that cover abortions and participate in new health care exchanges cannot receive tax dollars.

"The right to life is fundamental to all that we do, and this ensures that taxpayer dollars are not hijacked to fund abortions. Thanks to Americans United for Life for helping to make this a reality," said Florida State Representative Matthew Gaetz.
Click here for the entire article.