May 7, 2010

New Planned Parenthood mega-mill in St. Paul will be eco-friendly!

New Planned Parenthood mega-mill in St. Paul will be eco-friendly!

New Planned Parenthood mega-mill in St. Paul

I've reported previously on the massive pro-life protests and prayer vigils at a St. Paul, MN, Planned Parenthood abortion mill as well as PP's annual "Good Friday solidarity event."

Well, PP of MN, ND, and SD is closing that mill and building a 46,000 sq. ft., 3-story mega-mill in an industrial park....

Why now? According to

[Sarah] Stoesz [president and CEO of PP in MN], said PP is preparing for a possible increase in demand because of the new federal health care bill, which will add millions of people to insurance rolls starting in 2014. Many will be the lower-income and young adults that PP serves, she said. "We don't know exactly what health care reform will mean for our patients," she said. "But I anticipate that more people will access health care."

The new location was chosen "after a zip code analysis of where PP's patients come from," according to, i.e., a "low-income minority community," writes our MN pro-life friend Sandy.

PP also chose the new spot to "provide more privacy for patients who now routinely have to walk past abortion foes who try to persuade them not to go into the clinic," according to, i.e., ditch pro-life protesters.

PP's new mega-mill falls mid-range in size compared to other mega-mills built by PP in recent years:

Aurora, IL (2007): 22,000 sq ft
Sarasota, FL (2009): 23,000 sq ft
Portland, OR (February 2010): 40,000 sq ft
St. Paul, MN (to open December 2011): 46,000 sq ft
Denver, CO (2008): 50,000 sq ft
Houston, TX (to open fall 2010): 78,000 sq ft

[Have read about but can't confirm mega-mills in Worcester, PA (33,000 sq ft) and Seattle, WA (31,500 sq ft). If you have links to corroborate these or any others I haven't listed, please alert me in comments section and I'll add to the list.]

Environmentalists will be happy to learn PP is going green! Buildings used to kill babies to save the planet will be eco-friendly! PP of MN's new chop shop will be LEED-certified, as was the Sarasota PP, eco-friendly video below...

Click here for the video.

Contact: Jill Stanek
Publish Date: May 7, 2010
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