
April 8, 2010

Obama administration pays off Planned Parenthood through HIV test funding

Obama administration pays off Planned Parenthood through HIV test funding

A tweet from Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards yesterday:

A tweet from Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards yesterday

Here's the article Richards was linking to, by, April 5:

CDC on Thursday announced the expansion of an initiative through which more than 1.4 million Americans have been tested for HIV. During the next 3 years, funding for the effort will increase by approximately $31.5 million, and a total of $142.5 million will be awarded to state and local health departments in eligible jurisdictions to increase HIV testing in health care and non-health care settings.

Here's why Richards thought that news noteworthy...

Here we see the trickle down economics of Obama paying off Planned Parenthood for helping get him elected, with a literally dead end focus

Here we see the trickledown economics of Obama paying off Planned Parenthood for helping get him elected, with a literally dead end focus, I might add.

This is because the prevention of HIV, which in the US would largely be avoidance of man-on-man sex, is politically incorrect.

Also politically incorrect is the abstinence/be faithful message, which would stave HIV in the black community.

Politically incorrect because those now in charge of messaging are the 1960s free love generation, who along the way have acquired added perks for pushing illicit sex - money and power - by becoming part of the multi-billion dollar cottage and political industry that has grown around ameliorating its consequences, not preventing it.

Contact: Jill Stanek
Publish Date: April 8, 2010
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