
April 8, 2010

Chicago Archdiocesan Office Apologizes for 'Pro-Choice' Obama Remark

Chicago Archdiocesan Office Apologizes for 'Pro-Choice' Obama Remark

Sr. Anita Baird, the founding director of the Office of Racial Justice for the Chicago Archdiocese

Sr. Anita Baird, the founding director of the Office of Racial Justice for the Chicago Archdiocese, has apologized for saying that President Obama is simply pro-choice and not pro-abortion, and now professes that "there can be no distinction" between the two.

"In order to clarify my quote that appeared on, I am affirming my belief in the teachings of the Catholic Church and understand that there can be no distinction between pro-abortion and pro-choice, because the choice at issue is the choice to kill a child," wrote Baird in a statement released Wednesday. "I also apologize to those who were scandalized by my statement." (LSN) had interviewed Baird Tuesday regarding the Office for Racial Justice's planned award for Fr. Michael Pfleger, a politically activist priest notorious for outspokenly supporting pro-abortion public figures such as Barack Obama. 

During the interview, Baird said that "the president is not pro-abortion, the president is pro-choice. I think they are two very different things."

"To be pro-abortion is that you believe in abortion and you support it," she said. "And I don't think you'll find that the president has ever said that."

Contact: Kathleen Gilbert

Publish Date: April 8, 2010
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