April 28, 2010

Judge to rule in Aurora Planned Parenthood Zoning Case

Judge to rule in Aurora Planned Parenthood Zoning Case

Aurora Planned Parenthood

Yesterday, Judge Neal Cerne heard arguments for over ninety minutes on the "Motion To Dismiss" in our zoning case against Planned Parenthood's huge "Abortion Fortress of Aurora."

In fact, there wasn't just one "Motion to Dismiss" but actually THREE -- one from Planned Parenthood, one from the City of Aurora and one from the Aurora Zoning Board of Appeals!

Each of those entities had their own lawyer in court yesterday, while our side was represented by Peter Breen of the Thomas More Society -- it was three against one!

They pulled out every legal maneuver in the book to try to get Judge Cerne to toss our case, but it didn't work -- at least not yet.

Judge Cerne decided not to rule from the bench yesterday -- a good sign -- but to take three weeks to look over the case before deciding whether to let it go to trial.

Contact: Eric Scheidler
Source: Pro-Life Action League
Publish Date: April 28, 2010
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