March 3, 2010

Woman Conceived in Rape Takes Message to the United Nations

Woman Conceived in Rape Takes Message to the United Nations

Juda Myers

March 7-12, 2010, Juda Myers, conceived in an eight man rape, will be sharing her powerful story at the United Nations Conference on the Status of Women. International speaker, singer/songwriter, author and paint artist, Myers seeks to empower women with knowledge of better choices, offering life as the better choice for all involved. Her message translated into Chinese, French, and Spanish, will be distributed to U.N. delegates.

The U.N.'s focus is to advance and empower women. While equal rights, education and health will be discussed, abortion "rights" is a hot topic. Myers' argument for life is powerfully moving, changing lives. Speaking at Harvard University in October 2009 with Harvard's largest pro life attendance in years, Myers' witnessed brilliant minds turn from the acceptance of abortion in any case to the reality of the gift of life. She speaks to all people from within the walls of prisons to the halls of the United Nations. "One can count the seeds in an apple but not the apples in a seed." Myers says referring to future generations that we may lose to abortions.

Placed for adoption at birth, she found her birthmother, Ann and her story, four years ago. Bursting into tears Myers' mother quickly patted her, "Honey stop your crying. I've forgiven those men. Look what God's done. He's brought you back to me. God is faithful." Ann said that Juda was just an innocent baby.

Myers' passion for people compels her to help others find joy in life. She's found that many women who are raped are usually talked into an abortion. Myers' own grandmother insisted she be aborted. Ann refused. Today Ann has no regrets, but it isn't the case for so many who have aborted rape babies or any other baby.

Myers' does training on forgiveness at conferences believing anyone can forgive any offense to gain health and happiness. She speaks on life, incorporating her original songs from her CD, God is Faithful. One song on the CD, called War Cry, challenges the listener to "love your enemy." Her new book, Hostile Conception Living With Purpose, along with her story, also offers practical steps to forgiveness with an entire chapter with stories of many other people who forgave horrific offenses.

Contact: Juda Myers
Freedom Ministries
Publish Date: March 3, 2010
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