
March 18, 2010

Students hope to reinstate abstinence ed budget

Students hope to reinstate abstinence ed budget

Abstinence Poster graphic

Students from across the nation met with House and Senate members Wednesday to urge them to reinstate federal funding for abstinence education.

The young people shared their personal stories of how they have benefitted from abstinence-centered programs, and Valarie Huber, executive director of the National Abstinence Education Association (NAEA), reports that they also expressed disappointment with the current administration.

Valerie Huber “Abstinence education on a national level actually got its genesis under the Clinton administration, and then it received a boost under the Bush administration, making this truly a bipartisan issue," she explains.  "However, President Obama sought to break with tradition, and in last year's budget he actually zeroed-out every single penny for abstinence education programs."

Huber adds that Obama did likewise when it came to the 2011 budget.

"But this time, he increased funding for a new teen pregnancy prevention program that he initiated last year, giving over $200 million to a contraceptive-based approach," the NAEA executive director notes.

She says the students' recent visits with members of Congress were done in hopes that the budget error would be corrected.

Contact: Bill Bumpas
Publish Date: March 18, 2010
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