
March 18, 2010

Healthcare bill gives doctors heavy conscience

Healthcare bill gives doctors heavy conscience

CMA President Dr. David Stevens

David Stevens (CMDA)The Christian Medical Association (CMA) is opposed to the present healthcare reform proposal as it would force physicians to cross a controversial line.

CMA President Dr. David Stevens tells OneNewsNow that provisions in the measure do not protect doctors from being forced to do things that are contrary to their faith.

"It makes it very easy to discriminate against them," he notes. "This is something that should concern everyone because 95 percent of Christian doctors said they would leave healthcare before they violated their conscience."

The bill provides supplements to help people purchase abortion coverage in insurance policies, and at the same time, the measure provides billions of dollars for local health clinics, which could also be used for abortions.

medical doctors checkup “We’re all for community health centers that are really...taking care of the poor in the inner city," Stevens mentions. "But to funnel through a backdoor money to destroy unborn babies in this country is something we very much oppose."

The CMA president adds that part of the reason for reductions in Medicaid payments is the cost of increasing bureaucracy.

"It's estimated one out of every four dollars in healthcare now go to bureaucracy," he explains. "The new healthcare reform bill actually creates 111 new bureaucracies or expands them, which is going to make this problem even worse."

Those bills will have to be paid, and Dr. Stevens says that responsibility will fall on taxpayers.

Contact: Charlie Butts
Publish Date: March 18, 2010
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