March 3, 2010

Obama Pushing for New Radical Feminist Agency at United Nations

Obama Pushing for New Radical Feminist Agency at United Nations

President Obama addressing the United Nations

The Obama administration has endorsed a proposal to create a new U.N. bureaucracy dedicated to restructuring relations between the sexes along radical feminist lines. The new super-agency is supported by a consortium of feminist organizations called the Gender Equality Architecture Reform Campaign (GEAR).

The surprise move came late yesterday at the meeting of the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women, currently underway in New York. Both the Obama administration and the European Union immediately seconded the proposal to create a new U.N. super-agency, which thus appears to have a good chance of passage.

Radical feminists have long been discontented with the alphabet soup of relatively low-level offices and commissions that exist in the U.N. to advance their agenda. The new agency would amalgamate four existing entities--the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, the Division for the Advancement of Women, the United Nations Development Fund for Women and the United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women--into one super-agency. The Division for the Advancement of Women, in particular, has a universal UN mandate that would then be at the service of the new bureaucracy. To give the organization even more clout, an Under-Secretary-General, who would report directly to the U.N. Secretary-General, would head it.

The draft proposal urges that the agency be set up before the end of the current session of the General Assembly, and that it be dedicated to "gender equality" and the "empowerment of women." In the past, such code words have been used to justify such actions as admonishing Belarus for celebrating Mother's Day because this "reinforced traditional stereotypes of women." Even liberal Denmark has been chastised for having too few female generals in the ranks of its military. The supporters of the new U.N. agency revealingly refer to it as "Gender Architecture," or GEAR.

Radical feminists believe that such a super-agency would give them access to both the money and power they need to advance their agenda. "We need money, we need a billion dollars for this to be effective on the ground level," says Charlotte Bunch, the representative of GEAR. Bunch went on to note that this first billion would just be "catalytic," only what would be needed to get the organization off the ground.

"The pro-life pro-family movement should absolutely oppose the creation of a UN super-agency dedicated to radical feminist goals, which undermine marriage, weaken the family, and thus endanger children both born and unborn," says Steven Mosher, President of the Population Research Institute. "What is being proposed is a very powerful agency with a global mandate to restructure relations between the sexes. If the past is any indicator, it will be used to impose the lifestyle of Manhattan and Hollywood feminists on family-centered countries and cultures. It is cultural imperialism at its worst."

Contact: Colin Mason
Population Research Institute
Publish Date: March 3, 2010
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