
March 11, 2010



'Colored Blind Abortion Regulations' Pass in Georgia House Committee

Racist Abortion

A bill that would criminalize race-based abortions narrowly cleared committee at the Georgia Capitol Wednesday evening, drawing the Georgia General Assembly closer to a full-blown abortion debate. House Bill 1155 grew out of Georgia Right to Life's ongoing campaign to widen its reach in the black community. The bill would make it illegal for anyone to solicit or coerce a woman to have an abortion "based in any way on account of the race, color, or sex of the unborn child." Doctors would face up to 10 years in prison if they perform an abortion despite knowing that the woman has been coerced. The women who get the abortions would not be criminally liable at all, the bill states.
Click here for the entire article from Macon.

Rocks Thrown at Australian Pro-Life Election Candidate

Trevor Grace's 'controversial' poster

A pro-life candidate running in the upcoming South Australian state election says he has had rocks and a garbage bin thrown at him when he attempted to stop vandals from taking down his election posters.

Trevor Grace, founder of the Save the Unborn Party, says his pro-life election posters, which feature a baby grasping the finger of an adult hand, are designed to create awareness about the high abortion rate in South Australia.
Click here for the entire article from

Harlan Drake Found Guilty of First-Degree Murder

Harlan Drake

A jury found Harlan Drake guilty of two counts of first-degree murder today. Harlan Drake, 34, was charged with first-degree murder in the Sept. 11 shooting deaths of James Pouillon, 63, in front of Owosso High School and gravel pit owner Michael Fuoss, 61, in his Owosso Township office. Drake's lawyers sought a legal insanity defense. His trial began March 1 and jurors began deliberating early Thursday morning. They could have found Drake guilty, guilty but mentally ill, not guilty, not guilty by reason of insanity or guilty of a lesser charge, second degree murder.
Click here for the entire article from the Flint Journal.

Dutch Group Pushes for Suicide for Elderly Who are "Tired of Living"


The Dutch parliament may soon be considering the possibility of legalizing suicide and euthanasia for the elderly who are simply "tired of living" after a Dutch right-to-die group collected enough signatures to force a debate on the issue.

The euthanasia advocacy group "Of Free Will" is demanding that legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide be extended beyond those who are terminally ill to healthy individuals over the age of 70 who "consider their lives complete."
Click here for the entire articel from