
March 10, 2010

HB 6205 (Reproductive and Health Access Act or the IL FOCA Bill) Passes out of House Committee

HB 6205 (the IL FOCA bill) Passed the Illinois House Human Services Committee with a vote of 5 - 2, but with the following amendment...

The Reproductive Health and Access Act conflicts with the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995 or the Health Care Right of Conscience Act, the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995 or the Health Care Right of Conscience Act, respectively, controls.

It permits the noncontributory portion of a program of health benefits to include the expenses of obtaining an abortion, induced miscarriage, or induced premature birth unless, in the opinion of a physician, certain conditions exist.

It also deletes language that excludes (which then means the bill does NOT exclude) provisions concerning reimbursement for medical assistance, abortions and induced miscarriages and premature births unless, in the opinion of a physician, certain conditions exist.

It also provides that the "Comprehensive Health Education Program" (sex ed) shall comply with the Reproductive Health and Access Act.

Click here for more details on this bill from the Illinois General Assembly Web Site.

The roll call was...

Yeas... (voted against life)

Naomi D. Jakobsson
Naomi D. Jakobsson
103rd District
(217) 373-5000
Constance A. Howard
Constance A. Howard
34th District
(773) 783-8800
Sandy Cole
Sandy Cole
62nd District
(847) 543-0062
Annazette Collins
Annazette Collins
10th District
(773) 533-0010
Mary E. Flowers
Mary E. Flowers
31st District
(773) 471-5200

Nays... (voted for life)

Patricia R. Bellock
Patricia R. Bellock
47th District
(630) 852-8633
Timothy L. Schmitz
Timothy L. Schmitz
49th District
(630) 845-9590

What next?

We expected this pro-abortion committee to pass this bad bill, but the vote margin shows just how hard the pro-abortion lobby has been working on our state Reps.

But they're not the only ones at work. We are too. The hearing this morning was packed with representatives. All our calls are having an impact!

The next step is for this bill to move to the House floor. The bill made it out of committee last year too, but pro-lifers like you pummeled their reps with calls and it never came up for a vote.

We can do it again this year and kill Illinois FOCA -- if every single one of us joins the fight.

CALL your state rep and tell them to VOTE NO on HB6205.

If you've already called, please call again TODAY. Click here to get talking points and contact links or Click here to find your Representative's contact information.

Source: Illinois Federation for Right to Life
Publish Date: March 10, 2010
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