March 5, 2010



Making Buckets of Adult Stem Cells

blood vessel cut-away

Growing lots of adult stem cells in the lab, for study or for a patient treatment, has been difficult in the past. While some groups have successfully grown large numbers of adult stem cells, many labs have difficulties keeping the cells growing for more than a few days. Now scientists at Weill Cornell have shown that culturing adult stem cells with endothelial cells, the cells that compose the innermost linings of blood vessels, is the key to growing unlimited amounts of adult stem cells. The research group reasoned that because endothelial cells line blood vessels and are often in contact with adult stem cells, these cells might play a significant role in the growth and maintenance of stem cells. Using a mouse model, the scientists were able to grow adult stem cells for weeks at a time and increase the number of cells over 400-fold. They also showed that even after one year, there was no indication of tumor formation from the adult stem cells. Senior author, Dr. Shahin Rafii, noted:

"This study will have a major impact on the treatment of any blood-related disorder that requires a stem cell transplant."
Click here for the entire article from FRCBlog.

Editorial Criticizes Idaho Bill To Increase 'Conscience' Protections For Health Care Workers

Welcome to Idaho sign

"Last week, 21 Idaho senators injected themselves into private, painful decisions about conception, abortion and euthanasia" by advancing a bill (SB 1353) that would shield health care professionals from liability if they "decline to provide services that violate their conscience," an Idaho Statesman editorial states.

The bill -- sponsored by State Sen. Chuck Winder (R) -- "speaks innocuously, but misleadingly, about the 'freedom of conscience' of health care professionals," the editorial continues. In practice, it would "limit patients' freedoms to explore their legally and constitutionally protected options."
Click here for the entire article from Medical News Today.

Colo., 'Personhood' Measure Fails To Qualify For Ballot; Colo., Wyo., Finalize Bills On Violence Against Pregnant Women

Welcome to Colorado sign

Colorado: The Colorado secretary of state said on Wednesday that supporters of a proposed state constitutional amendment to define fertilized eggs as people failed to collect enough signatures to qualify the measure for the ballot, the AP/USA Today reports. Colorado voters rejected a similar "personhood" amendment in 2008. In other news, the state Senate Veterans and Military Affairs Committee on Wednesday rejected a bill (SB 113) that would have allowed criminal charges for causing the death of a fetus while committing another crime. Thirty-seven other states have adopted similar laws.
Click here for the entire article from Medical News Today.

Stupak reiterates he will not support Senate health bill over abortion funding

Representative Bart Stupak

In a March 4 interview, Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI), the Catholic author of an amendment barring the use of federal funds to pay for most abortions in health care reform, made clear he would not support Senate health care reform legislation that provides for such public funding.

Under the "reconciliation" process that is taking shape, members of the House of Representatives are expected to vote on the Senate bill, which Stupak says will "go nowhere" in the House in its present form because of the deals made with senators to secure their votes. Noting that his pro-life amendment was the only health care reform amendment to pass with bipartisan support, Stupak called upon President Barack Obama to show flexibility on the issue.
Click here for the entire article from Catholic World News.

Two States Pass Pro-Life Bills
pro-life gif

The West Virginia Senate approved a bill on Tuesday that would allow a woman an opportunity to see an ultrasound of her preborn child before an abortion.

Jeremiah Dys, president of the Family Policy Council of West Virginia, said the legislation helps protect innocent life.

"Laws like this empower women with the information about what's going on inside of them," he said. "Making life-and-death decisions, without all the facts, leads to regret and disaster."

SB 597 is expected to go to committee before moving to the House floor for passage.

Also on Tuesday, the Oklahoma House passed HB 2780, which requires an ultrasound and an explanation prior to an abortion. It now goes to the Senate.

A dozen other states are considering bills that would offer, or require, ultrasounds before a woman gets an abortion including Illinois.
Click here for the entire article from CitizenLink.

Pro-life pharmacy in D.C. area closes due to financial difficulties

DMC Pharmacy

The only pro-life pharmacy in the metropolitan Washington, D.C. area has announced that it is closing because of financial difficulties.

The business' pharmacist Robert Semler, quoted at the Save DMC Pharmacy website, said he could not stay open past March 4.

He reported that he needed "a couple of hundred thousand dollars and 5,000 customers" to stay open, five times as many customers as the business had at present.
Click here for the entire article.