March 4, 2010

CWA Opposes U.N. Women's Super-Bureaucracy

CWA Opposes U.N. Women's Super-Bureaucracy

The Gender Equality Architecture Reform Campaig

The radical feminist plan to gain control of the United Nations (U.N.) gained momentum today when President Obama endorsed a new overarching agency that will unite feminist organizations in a bureaucratic take-over called, The Gender Equality Architecture Reform Campaign (GEAR).

Penny Young Nance, Chief Executive Officer of Concerned Women for America, said, "This new agency suddenly is becoming a reality. With President Obama's support the radical feminists will have unprecedented power and clout throughout the world.  They will determine what it means for nations to have 'gender equality' and insist on programs that will 'empower women.'  In the past, such efforts have prompted the U.N. to slap nation's hands for celebrating Mother's Day or because husbands aren't helping enough around the house."

Janice Shaw Crouse, head of CWA's think tank, The Beverly LaHaye Institute, has written extensively about the GEAR takeover. Crouse said, "Establishing a U.N. agency for women's rights would dramatically strengthen the already-incredibly strong radical feminist influence at the U.N., and it would virtually ensure that abortion would become a human right around the world. Having a high-level, high-profile, highly-funded agency to promote the 'women's rights' agenda would establish yet another roadblock to addressing the real needs of women."  See her article here.

Contact: Demi Bardsley
Source: Concerned Women for America
Publish Date: March 4, 2010
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