February 23, 2010



President and House Leaders Urged to Protect Preborn
Obama reading a letter

President Barack Obama and Republican lawmakers will each get a letter signed by pro-life leaders urging them to protect preborn children, ahead of the White House's health care summit scheduled for Feb. 25.

There are two drafts. The president will receive a letter addressed specifically to him, and the GOP leadership in the House will receive a separate letter.
Click here for the entire article from

Budget Proposal Would End South Carolina Abortion Coverage

South Carolina Welcome Sign

House budget writers went after teacher pay and incentives Monday as they scrambled for cash to balance a $5.3 billion budget. Meanwhile, the House Ways and Means Committee also adopted a budget provision that would end state health insurance payments for abortions after rape or incest or to protect the health of a woman. "I don't think we ought to be funding any abortions with the state health plan," said state Rep. Rex Rice, R-Easley.
Click here for the entire article from GoUpstate.com

Planned Parenthood and children's sexual rights

3rd grade classroom

The International Planned Parenthood Federation is the umbrella organization for 180 Planned Parenthood organizations around the world.  It recently released a report called "Stand and Deliver: Sex, health and young people in the 21st century."  The term "young people" refers to anyone over the age of 10.

The IPPF report includes a list of "Young People's Human Rights."
Click here for the entire article from OneNewsNow.

IVF babies carry added health risks, doctors warned

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) procedure

Children who are conceived by in vitro fertilization (IVF) face elevated risks of health problems that include birth defects, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure, medical studies show. As the first generation of IVF babies reaches adulthood, there are also indications that they face a higher rate of infertility-- perhaps a genetic trait inherited from their parents. A doctor in the vanguard of IVF treatment says that parents are willing to accept the risk that their children might be infertile, reasoning that the children, too, can receive IVF treatment.
Click here for the entire article from
Catholic World News.

Judge Strikes Down Oklahoma's 'Unconstitutional' Ban on Sex-Selective Abortion


A state judge has deemed Oklahoma's law banning sex-selective abortion unconstitutional, ruling that the law violated the state's single-subject rule for legislation.

Oklahoma County District Judge Daniel Owens claimed that his decision "has nothing to do with pro-choice or pro-life."

Instead, Owens argued the problem lay with the legislature including additional mandates in the law – such as one requiring abortionists to fill out comprehensive reports for an electronic database. The information was intended to give state health officials more information about why women choose abortion and their circumstances.
Click here for the entire article from LifeSiteNews.com.

Little Sympathy for Pro-Life Activist As Trial Starts for His Alleged Killer

Jame Pouillon

In life, anti-abortion activist James Pouillon spent years trying to influence people in his small Michigan city with large signs of dead fetuses. In death, that combative style could make it difficult to find a jury for the trial of the man charged with killing him.
Jury selection was scheduled to start Tuesday in the first-degree murder trial of trucker Harlan Drake, who is accused of gunning down Pouillon outside Owosso High School on Sept. 11, then later shooting business owner Mike Fuoss.
But prosecutors have warned a judge that it will be "almost impossible" to seat jurors who haven't seen Pouillon's demonstrations or formed an opinion about him.
Click here for the entire article from