February 16, 2010



New Missouri Death-Bill would Create 24-Hour Waiting Period Before The Killing Starts

Missiouit Welcome Sign

Women seeking abortions in Missouri would have to receive information about the fetus and wait 24 hours before murdering their babies under a bill in the state Senate. Republican Sen. Rob Mayer of Dexter is the sponsor. The bill would require that women be given information on emotional and physical risks of abortion and on fetal pain at least 24 hours before the procedure. They would also have to be given the choice of seeing an ultrasound and hearing the fetal heartbeat.
Click here for the entire article from

'No Place to Hide' - Texas County Receives Informative Postcards about Baby Killers

West Side Clinic

 A gynecologist who performs abortions in Tarrant County is the target of a postcard campaign which lists his home and work addresses along with names of five of his staff members. The postcard is printed in black-and-white and it is unsigned. On the front is a picture of Dr. Michael S. Phillips next to the question: "Have you seen this person?" When it's flipped over, the postcard lists the doctor's name, and three addresses — including his home. It goes on to reveal names of five staff members. When reached at his home, Dr. Phillips said he wouldn't talk about it. "I've been dealing with it for 35 years, that's all I can say."

Click here for the video.
Click here for the entire article from WFAA.

Vulnerable Need Reason to Life, Not Right to Die

Elderly woman in wheelchair

Two high-profile cases of mothers helping their children to die have renewed the debate on assisted suicide. But the coverage threatens to skew public opinion dangerously in favour of a change in the law. When one person is found to have had a hand in the death of another, that person should be investigated and made to account for their actions in court, in accordance with the law that protects us all. The death of a disabled person should be investigated with the same vigour as a non-disabled person.
Click here for the entire article from the Times Online.

Tiger Woods' Mistress Reveals Pregnancy and Abortion

Tiger Woods / Joslyn James

Tiger Woods allegedly impregnated his porn star mistress twice, both times when his wife was also pregnant, according to an interview with the woman set to air Monday. Joslyn James said her lengthy and steamy affair with Tiger Woods always involved unprotected sex. Using protection "was never talked about," the actress told U.S. television show "Inside Edition." "It was never protected." James, 32, who carried on an affair with Woods from 2006 to 2009, said she miscarried in her first pregnancy at about the same time his wife, Elin Nordegren, gave birth to daughter Sam Alexis on June 18, 2007. James said she aborted her next pregnancy close to the Feb. 8, 2009, birth of Woods' son Charlie Axel.
Click here for the entire article from FoxNews.