February 2, 2010



How did Illinois Planned Parenthood Celebrates 37th Roe v. Wade Anniversary?

The Future of Choice Logo

Supporters of the pro-choice movement in Chicago (Isa.5:20) gathered at the "The Future of Choice" located within the Sofitel Hotel in commemoration of the 37th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. Among the near 700 supporters in attendance, psychosexual therapist and expert Dr. Ruth Westheimer took the stage as key speaker, accompanied by sex columnist for Time Out Chicago , Men's Health magazine, Psychology Today and author of Because It Feels Good: A Woman's Guide to Sexual Pleasure, Debby Herbenick, PH.D, performing as the master of ceremonies. PPIL Board Chair Joanne Howard, the President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America Cecile Richards, and the CEO & President of PPIL Steve Trombley were also in attendance and delivered remarks to the anniversary's attendees.
Click here for the entire article.

Planned Parenthood to Open Office With Federal Grant (Taxpayer) Money

Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts

Abortion foes are promising to continue their protest over a proposed Fitchburg (Mass.) Planned Parenthood office. Officials of Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts are scheduled Tuesday to present their plan for the proposed office to the Fitchburg City Council. But the group Mass Citizen for Life is vowing to crowd the meeting with abortion foes to express their opposition. Last week, around 70 to 80 anti-abortion advocates protested and prayed in front of the proposed site. Jesse Mermell, vice president of external relations at Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, said the organization plans to open the Fitchburg office with federal grant money.
Click here for the entire article.

Pro-choice group promises to help teens obtain abortions in Mexico City

Convergence Party Symbol

This week Mexican pro-life organizations warned that leaders of the Convergence Party have threatened to “help” Mexican teenage girls travel to the country's capital to obtain legal abortions.

The National Union of Parents and the Federation of Private Schools of Southern Tamaulipas denounced party leaders for endangering the lives of the teens who decide to abort their babies without the knowledge of their parents.

Convergence Party officials have said they intend to promote the idea to students at the universities and high schools in Tampico and help them “get around” local laws by paying for their transportation to Mexico City to undergo abortions.
Click here for the entire article.

Pain - the focus of Nebraska abortion debate

Nebraska Sign

Nebraska's legislators have before them a bill that would ban late-term abortions.

State Senator Mike Flood, speaker of the Nebraska Legislature, recently introduced the "Abortion Pain Prevention Act" -- a measure that would ban abortions after 20 weeks in the womb. Flood believes babies should not be forced to experience the excruciating pain of abortion.

"The medical science shows that doctors right now [who are] performing neonatal surgeries on babies in the womb...administer anesthesia for the very reason that these babies do feel pain," the senator explains. "They grimace when pricked with a needle stick."
lick here for the entire article.

Utah House Committee Approves Bill Allowing Prosecution Of Women Who Seek Illegal Abortions

Utah Sign

The Utah House Health and Human Services Committee on Tuesday approved a bill (HB 12) that would permit criminal charges against a woman who attempts to have an illegal abortion, the Salt Lake Tribune reports. The legislation would define which abortions are legal and protected from prosecution. According to the Tribune, terminating a pregnancy in a manner not allowed under the legislation could lead to a charge of criminal homicide, which is a second-degree felony.

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Carl Wimmer (R), was developed in response to a case in Uintah County, in which a 17-year-old paid a man $150 to beat her in an attempt to cause a miscarriage of her seven-month-old fetus. A judge dismissed charges against the teen because a woman cannot be punished under current state law for attempting to arrange an abortion. The state has appealed the ruling.
Click here for the entire article.

Pharmacists question new decision allowing teens to have access to abortion pill
Network of Responsible Pharmacies Logo

Pharmacists in the Spanish region of Catalonia along with the organization, Network of Responsible Pharmacies, are opposing a new provision allowing the morning-after pill to be distributed to girls under the age of 16 without a prescription or parental consent.

The spokesperson for the Network of Responsible Pharmacies, Marta Perez, said the provision implemented by the Socialist government constitutes an attack on the professional freedom of pharmacists.  She added that it could endanger public health, especially that of young people, due to the misinformation about the true effects of the drug being distributed by the Ministry of Health.
Click here for the entire article.