February 16, 2010

Millions Reconsider Pro-Abortion Views After Watching Super Bowl Ad

Millions Reconsider Pro-Abortion Views After Watching Super Bowl Ad
Tim Tebow Super Bowl Ad

About 6 percent of those who watched the pro-family Tim Tebow ad during the Super Bowl said it made them reconsider their views on abortion, according to a study by the Barna Group.

That comes out to about 5 million people.

Political and social pundits spilled a lot of ink in the weeks running up to the Super Bowl on the ad featuring Tim and Pam Tebow.

In the 30-second spot, produced by Focus on the Family, Pam alluded to her decision to keep her son despite the medical danger of carrying him to term. Tim, of course, grew up to be a Heisman Trophy winner.

David Kinnaman, president of the Barna Group, conducted the survey one week after the game, to see how the ad was perceived.

Among the findings:

Forty-three percent of those who tuned in to the game saw the ad. That amounts to every fourth person in America.
Six in 10 who saw the ad said they had heard about it prior to the Super Bowl.
More than 3 in 4 who saw it said it was a positive ad.
Two out of 3 viewers who self-identified as pro-abortion said the ad was appropriate.
Gary Schneeberger, vice president of Ministry Communications at Focus on the Family, said one goal was to bring the issue of life to the forefront.
"This ad is a way to get a dialogue going in the culture, which happened for two weeks in advance of the ad airing," he said, "where we talked about the issue of life and the sanctity of human life."
Kinnaman said the ad was a game-changer.

"Asking people to think about something differently rather than telling them what to think," he said, "may be something of a standard for the future."

Contact: Steve Jordahl
Source: CitizenLink
Publish Date: February 15, 2010
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