February 3, 2010

Alleged forced abortions, deaths at issue

Alleged forced abortions, deaths at issue

Abortionist Alberto Hodari

Michigan is investigating well-known abortionist Abraham Alberto Hodari -- and there is concern he may flee the country before charges can be filed.

Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue (OR), explains his organization's role in the Hodari case. "Operation Rescue filed a complaint both against his medical license and his medical practice for a botched abortion and failure to comply with local and state statutes," he states.
The Michigan Department of Community Health has informed Operation Rescue that a probe will be forthcoming. Newman says the allegations against the abortionist are many.
Troy Newman"At least two women have died," says the pro-life leader. "[And] there have been countless allegations of forced abortions...in fact, there's one lawsuit that's going on right now for forced abortion."
In that case, a woman who was a teenager at the time claims she changed her mind about aborting her baby, but that an assistant helped Hodari hold her down and did the abortion against her will.
Those cases and others, Newman claims, show "a 20-year history of abuse" by Hodari. For that reason, the longtime pro-lifer is grateful that an investigation is finally under way. "We pray that Hodari...will finally be stripped of his medical license," he states.
According to Newman, Hodari currently is liquidating his assets. "But if criminal charges are filed, it wouldn't be unlikely for an abortionist such as this just to flee the country," says OR's president. "So we're watching him very closely and asking law enforcement to do the same."
Hodari is a native of Argentina.

Charlie Butts
Publish Date: February 3, 2010
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