January 28, 2010


(Referral to Web sites not produced by The Illinois Federation for Right to Life is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.)

Pro-Lifers Outnumber Pro-Choicers 500-To-1 At Massive S.F. Abortion Rally

Walk for Life West Coast 2010

Visualize for a moment what would happen if San Francisco hosted a rally on the hot-button topic of abortion. How many people would you expect to show up to support each side? Well, considering that San Francisco is the city that regularly votes in overwhelming numbers for Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer, two of the strongest abortion advocates in Congress, and that San Francisco is perceived as being among the most liberal cities in the nation, you would likely anticipate the pro-choice side to vastly outnumber the pro-life side at any rally. You couldn’t be more wrong. Because when the anti-abortion group Walk for Life staged a march in San Francisco last Saturday, January 23, they turned out an overwhelming and jaw-dropping 40,000 pro-life activists, who were met by a well-advertised counter-protest which managed to draw no more than 80 (that’s eighty, eight-zero) pro-choice advocates.
Click here for the full article.

Queens NY Clinic Investigated After Mother Fatally Injured While Killing Her Baby By Abortion

Alexandra Nuñez

Detectives are investigating a Queens clinic where a 37-year-old woman was fatally injured while undergoing an abortion, officials said Tuesday. Alexandra Nuñez began bleeding heavily during the procedure at A1 Medicine in Jackson Heights on Monday, officials said. One of Nuñez's arteries was inadvertently severed and she went into cardiac arrest, according to police sources. She was taken to Elmhurst Hospital Center, where she died a short time later.
Click here for the full article.

Ky. Senate Approves Bill Requiring Ultrasounds, In-Person Consultations Before Abortions

Ultrasound Image

The Kentucky Senate on Monday voted 32-4 to approve a bill (SB 38) that would require physicians to show women an ultrasound and describe "the dimensions of the embryo or fetus and the presence of external members and internal organs, if present and viewable," the Louisville Courier-Journal reports. State Sen. Elizabeth Tori (R), lead sponsor of the bill, said it would not prohibit a woman from averting her eyes from the image.

The bill also would require physicians or someone they designate to meet with the patient in person at least 24 hours before the procedure to explain the process. Under current law, physicians can provide the information over the phone. Physicians who do not follow the bill's requirements could face a fine of as much as $100,000 for the first offense and up to $250,000 for subsequent offenses. Offenses would be reported to the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure.
Click here for the full article.

Go Directly to Nerves, Do Not Pass Pluripotency


A new report published online in Nature describes how Stanford scientists turned mouse skin cells directly into nerve cells, without any intermediate stem cell step. Starting with mouse skin cells in the lab dish, they added three nerve-specific genes using viruses. According to senior author Marius Wernig, the “induced neuronal cells” are fully functional.
Click here for the full article.

Women Hurt by Abortion Support Tebow and His Mom in Super Bowl Ad

Operation Outcry logo

The women of Operation Outcry support Tim Tebow and his mother Pam as they share their story in an ad sponsored by Focus on the Family during Super Bowl XLIV.  Tebow's mother, Pam, had a difficult pregnancy and was advised to abort her son by her physician, but she obviously chose life for him rather than abortion.

Women of Operation Outcry are also courageously speaking out, sharing their personal stories, so that our nation will know the truth, "Abortion Hurts Women."
Click here for the full article.