January 20, 2010

Heed the People, Mr. President

Heed the People, Mr. President

An unknown Republican–who explicitly ran against Obamacare–has won in Massachusetts! This is a hard blow for Obamacare, and an opportunity. The people want reform. I do. But they don't want Hillarycare, squared. They don't want centralized control with its prospects for rationing. They don't want the debt. They loathe the back room deals.


BOSTON, Massachusetts -- Republicans have won a stunning upset in Massachusetts' Senate election, dealing a potentially fatal blow to US President Barack Obama's health care reforms. Republican Scott Brown pulled off the surprise victory on Tuesday, capturing the late Democrat icon Edward Kennedy's seat in a stern rebuke of Obama exactly a year after he swept into office. With more than 80 percent of the vote in, Brown had an invincible lead of five percent over his Democratic rival Martha Coakley, CNN and MSNBC reported. Coakley originally expected a cakewalk in a historically left-leaning state, but Brown's populist challenge to Democrat rule in Washington turned the race into an unstoppable insurgency. Click here for more...

In other news....

As you may have heard, Haiti has had another earthquake, this time registering as a 6.0.  This one took place near the capital.  Many organizations are helping with this devistation, and so is planned parenthood - but is it really help?

Haiti Earthquake

Capitalizing on the compassion of developed nations towards Haiti following the disastrous 7.0 scale earthquake last Tuesday, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) has launched a fundraising appeal in order to further their aims in the devastated pro-life nation.

Within a day of the disaster, IPPF had sent out an appeal letter, seeking "urgent" support for their Haitian affiliate PROFAMIL.

IPPF, the world's largest abortion provider, claims that funds are needed in order to restore "basic medical services" at the PROFAMIL clinics.  According to their letter, PROFAMIL has operated since 1984, providing "low-cost, quality sexual and reproductive healthcare."

"Planned Parenthood, true to form, is using the disaster and the suffering in Haiti to raise money to perpetuate itself in its ongoing attack on decency, morality, and the right to be born," commented Rita Diller, national director of Stop Planned Parenthood (STOPP).

"While millions of people are suffering unbelievably and are without the most basic necessities, Planned Parenthood wants to grab the donations that should be going to provide medical care, food, clothing, and housing, and funnel it to its local affiliate that pushes condoms on children as young as 10 years old," she continued.  "Planned Parenthood has no shame.  What would you expect of an organization that killed over 305,000 innocent pre-born children last year alone?"

Pro-lifers, however, do have the option of contributing to a legitimate health care agency that needs funds to bring obstetrical support to Haiti.  Dr. Robert Walley, president of MaterCare International, a pro-life organization dedicated to providing maternal care in the developing world, informed LifeSiteNews that they are initiating a long-term project to help rebuild maternity care in the country.

"Pregnancy does not stop because of a disaster of this kind," observed Dr. Walley, pointing out that pregnant women are enduring the same hardships as the rest.  For women who are about to deliver, he said, "the situation is particularly bleak," given that six of the hospital's in Port-au-Prince have been lost.  "In all likelihood, as their homes have been destroyed, they simply deliver in misery where they lie, in the open without any dignity or privacy," he said.

"It almost seems that with these type of tragic circumstances somehow the world believes that life simply stops, so emergency obstetrical care for life threatening complications is not an immediate priority," he said.  "The result is an enormous increase in the number of maternal deaths."

MaterCare will be sending a team to Haiti this week to conduct a needs assessment.  They will then assemble a volunteer emergency team of obstetricians, general surgeons, pediatricians, anaesthetists, and nurses.

"We offer life and hope," said Dr. Walley.  "The pro-abortion side are already seeking funds for their death and despair and the Haitians have had enough of that."

Donations to MaterCare International can be made via their secure donations page, or by contacting them by e-mail at info@matercare.org, or phone at 1-709-579-6472.

Source: LifeSiteNews.com