January 7, 2010

Health Care Negotiations Go Behind Closed Doors

Health Care Negotiations Go Behind Closed Doors

Despite requests from the media, Democratic leadership refuses to publicize the reconciliation process.

As House and Senate committee members prepare to possibly sit down and reconcile the two versions of health care reform, it appears Democrats will move to close the meetings to the public.

That's despite rules in both the House and Senate that ensure conference committee meetings be open to the public — and multiple promises made during the presidential campaign by President Obama that negotiations on health care would be an open process and televised.

After a meeting with her leadership team Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said of the promise of transparency, "there were a number of things (Obama) was for on the campaign trail."  The comment was seen as further proof she has no intention of opening the process to public scrutiny.

C-SPAN sent a letter on Dec. 30 to the House and Senate asking to televise the reconciliation negotiations.  When asked about that letter during a Tuesday afternoon news conference, Pelosi bristled:

"There has never been a more open process for any legislation," she said.

Democrats could revise the rules by a simple vote among committee members. Republicans are speaking out against such a move.

In a response to C-SPAN, Republican Minority Leader John Boehner said secret deliberations are a "breeding ground for shady deals that have become business as usual in Washington."

"As House Republican leader," he wrote, "I can confidently state that all House Republicans strongly endorse your proposal and stand ready to work with you to make it a reality."

The Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life group, is organizing news conferences next week targeting 14 members of Congress in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and Indiana in an effort to urge lawmakers to vote against the final bill if it includes funding for abortion.

Focus on the Family Action is joining in the effort and encouraging constituents to attend a press conference or set up office visits with their lawmakers in those areas sometime between Jan. 11-13.

Kim Trobee
Source: CitizenLink
Publish Date: January 6, 2010
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