January 29, 2010

ATTENTION Resdients in Lake, McHenry, Cook, DuPage and Will Counties

ATTENTION  Resdients in Lake, McHenry, Cook, DuPage and Will Counties

Greyhound Bus

On Tuesday, March 9th,
Lake County Right to Life is sponsoring a bus to the IFRL Pro-Life Legislative Day at the Illinois Capitol.

What:       Pro-Life Legislative Day – Spring Session of  IL General Assembly

Where:  Springfield Illinois  –  At the Capitol,           
    Lobby Day speakers AM - Hall of Flags in the Howlett Building
    Lobbying our legislators PM – At the Capitol
    Reception with our legislators – 5PM – State House Inn

Who:    Day Sponsored by IL Federation for Right to Life
    Bus sponsored by Lake County Right to Life for    NE Illinois attendees.

When:    Tuesday, March 9 all day  -  Bring own brownbag snacks and drinks.
    5 AM leave Lake County    Pickup points TBD
    11 PM return to Lake County

Cost:    TBD - depends on numbers (probably around $40 pp)

To be prepared if FOCA is reintroduced in the IL General Assembly       
To gather with others who wish to influence our culture
To educate ourselves with knowledge about life issues
To familiarize ourselves with our Capitol where our legislators work
To learn the ropes of lobbying
To influence our state representatives and senators
To return home to share with enthusiasm what we’ve learned

This is our first attempt to sponsor a bus for committed pro-lifers and enthusiastic citizens. Please consider making this trip. You won’t regret the effort. Many of our members have never been to visit the Capitol. This is your chance to ride on a comfortable bus!