October 19, 2009


(Referral to Web sites not produced by The Illinois Federation for Right to LIfe is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.)

115 Girls Are Pregnant At One Chicago Gov't High School

CHICAGO -- It is a Chicago public school full of energy and spirit. It has about 800 girls, and 115 of them have something in common. All those young ladies are moms at Paul Robeson High School. It's not a school for young mothers, it's a neighborhood school. And all of the pregnancies have happened, despite prevention talk???
Click here for the full article.

Nurses Will Sue New York Over Mandated Vaccinations

The elderly, the young, and the frequently exposed are being advised to get vaccinated against H1N1 flu virus this year, due to predictions of a possible influenza epidemic. A new law in New York requires nurses and doctors to receive the vaccination by the end of November. A band of four nurses in Albany, however, is taking a stand against mandated vaccination.
Click here for the full article.

War of The Vaccines As Journalists Go Head to Head in HPV Vaccine Battle

A couple of weeks ago Lucy Johnson wrote an excellent article in the Sunday Express on the Cervarix vaccine entitled HPV vaccine 'As deadly as the cancer'. In her article she wrote 'The cervical cancer vaccine may be riskier and more deadly than the cancer it is designed to prevent, a leading expert who developed the drug has warned' she preceeded to give the views of expert Diane Harper, who had been ,she wrote,'involved in the clinical trials of the controversial drug Cervarix', Dr Harper had said according the Express, 'the jab was being "over-marketed" and parents should be properly warned about the potential side effects. A few days later Ben Goldacre, a GP and journalist for the Guardian attacked her well written piece on his blog Bad Science and in a Guardian article.
Click here for the full article.

Abortion makes Europe a 'continent of death,' Spanish bishop warns

Bishop Demetrio Fernandez of Tarazona, Spain, described the acceptance of abortion as "a true ecological disaster," and noted that the death of 50 million children in the womb has left Europe "prematurely aging and dying of sadness and despair." In a pastoral letter marking the March for Life in Spain this week, Bishop Fernandez said that the result of abortion is a "continent of death."
Click here for the full article.

The right to life implies right to food, Pope says

Access to food is "a concrete expression of the right to life," Pope Benedict XVI says in his annual message for World Food Day. The Pope goes on to say that this right, "though solemnly proclaimed, all too often fails to be fully implemented."

The Pope's message, addressed to Jacques Diouf, the director general of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization, acknowledges that the current worldwide economic crisis has a particularly damaging effect on agricultural production, especially in impoverished societies. He argues that providing adequate food for all of the world's people "calls for a modification in lifestyles and ways of thinking."
Click here for the full article.

Late Abortions Data To Be Public

The UK government has been ordered to publish data about the number of late abortions carried out because of disability. The ruling has been made by the Information Commissioner. Ministers have been told to release the data for England and Wales within the next month. This is the latest stage in a complex legal battle which began six years ago over a late abortion carried out because of a baby with a cleft palate.
Click here for the full article.

Related News...

Confidentiality Fear Over Late Abortion Data

Britain could move a step closer to the US-style targeting of doctors who carry out abortions after a ruling by the information tribunal that the government must publish data on late terminations, family planning groups warned today. They said the ruling could enable anti-abortion campaigners to identify and put pressure on women who seek late terminations, as well as their doctors, and urged the government to challenge the decision in the high court.
Click here for the full article.