
September 18, 2009

Survey: 48 percent of Americans want ban on abortion funding in health care bill

Survey: 48 percent of Americans want ban on abortion funding in health care bill

The latest poll from the independent pollster Rasmussen shows that 48 percent of Americans want a ban on coverage for abortion in any government-funded health care plan, while only 13 percent believe that it should be covered.

The issue of taxpayer funding for abortion has been raised by numerous politicians and pro-life groups who insist that history shows a clear precedent that unless the legislation specifically prohibits paying for abortions, it will end up being funded.

During the consideration of H.R. 3200, the House Energy and Commerce Committee approved the Capps Amendment, which allows abortion to be covered under the public plan and subsidizes private plans that cover abortion.

The plan, introduced yesterday by Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.), is also coming under fire from National Right to Life for containing "an array of pro-abortion mandates and federal subsidies for elective abortion."

Rasmussen Reports published a national telephone survey today that shows that 48 percent of Americans believe any government-subsidized health care plan should be prohibited from covering abortion procedures. The poll also found that 13 percent believe such plans should be required to cover abortions, and 32 percent favor a more neutral approach with no requirements in either direction.

Even among those who support the passage of the current legislation, 22 percent want a prohibition banning abortion coverage and 22 percent want a mandate requiring such coverage. The remaining supporters (47%) prefer the neutral approach, and nine percent are unsure.

The abortion factor seems to be a strong indicator of opposition to the health reform bill, with 72 percent favoring a prohibition against coverage of abortions.

Rasmussen Reports also indicated that a sizable minority (48%) of Independents want to see a ban on taxpayer funding of abortion in any new health plan.

On a more general level, 52 percent of Americans still think it is too easy to get an abortion in the U.S. and 58 percent say abortion is morally wrong most of the time.

The nationwide phone survey involved 1,000 likely voters was conducted September 14-15. The Rasmussen report carries a 95% level of confidence.

Source: CNA
Publish Date: September 17, 2009
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