
September 18, 2009

Missouri Group Launches Campaign for Personhood Rights of Pre-Born Babies

Missouri Group Launches Campaign for Personhood Rights of Pre-Born Babies

Personhood Missouri Submits Personhood Amendment to Missouri State Constitution

Pro-life Missourians submitted language late yesterday to the Missouri Secretary of State to bring the protection of the Missouri Constitution to the most defenseless human beings, preborn children.

The amendment, which is known as the Personhood Amendment, will define all human beings as  equal persons under the law from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.

Led by local pro-lifers, Gregory Thompson and Mark Kiser the Missouri Personhood Amendment joins Florida, Montana, Colorado, and Mississippi, which started Personhood efforts earlier this year.

"No human being in the state of Missouri should ever be considered property," stated Gregory Thompson of Personhood Missouri.  "Right now, the child in the womb has no rights. The Personhood Amendment will simply ensure that our laws recognize what we already know: a person's a person no matter how small."

"Personhood USA is proud to stand with those in Missouri as they work to have all humans protected by love and by law," added Keith Mason of Personhood USA.

Contact: Gregory Thompson, Mark Kiser
Source: Personhood Missouri
Publish Date: September 18, 2009
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