September 11, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Pregnant Women & Swine Flu Tests

A trial of the swine flu vaccine will be conducted at Baylor College of Medicine, Group Health Cooperative Ctr. for Health Studies in Seattle, St. Louis University, Vandervilt University in Nashville, Duke University in North Carolina and Scott & White Memorial Hospital & Clinic in Texas. This study will be conducted and funded, through the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NID).
Pregnant women are usually exempt, from medical research, that doesn't involve issues relating to pregnancy. The reason is, to protect them and their babies, from dangerous side-effects of drugs.
I wonder if these women are being paid? According to the information, they will receive 2 injections, 21 days apart. Researchers, supposedly, will gauge the vaccines effectiveness, by monitoring antibody levels to flu virus. They'll also collect umbilical cord blood, to measure how much antibody circulates from mother to baby, through the placenta. Wow! Talk about invasive! Umbilical cord blood?  From an unborn baby?  Something's wrong here.  Something's fishy.  Who would do that?
Click here for the full article.

Judge in Obama/Notre Dame Protesters Case Rejects Recusal Motion

A judge has denied a motion to recuse herself from the proceedings of more than 80 anti-abortion advocates who plan to take their trespassing cases to trial. Attorney Thomas Dixon, filed a motion in August asking for a change of judge in the trespassing cases because he believes that St. Joseph Superior Court Judge Jenny Pitts Manier is biased. Dixon represents 88 clients who were arrested on the University of Notre Dame property in May during the protest of commencement speaker President Barack Obama. Several additional trespass cases are not being fought in court and/or are being handled separately from the 88.
Click here for the full article.

Real Racism Found In Pro-Abortion Position

Make no mistake about it; abortion is impacting our country in ways few people care to consider. Yes, 51.7 million babies have been aborted since 1970, but what that means to our society is that 30.6 percent of our under-40 population has been destroyed. Almost one-third of our future, our taxpayers, our voters have been killed. Congress subsidized Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, with $326 million last year to help accomplish this. According to Cybercast News Service, 62.5 percent of Planned Parenthood's abortion facilities are located in predominantly black neighborhoods. Our president has been very outspoken from the beginning about his pro-abortion plans for our country, yet the current impact of abortion on the African-American community has been devastating. According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2004 there were 161 abortions per 1,000 live births in the Caucasian community. For Hispanics, that number was 211 per 1,000 births. In the African American community, there were an overwhelming 472 abortions per 1,000 live births.
Click here for the full article.

Young, Gifted, and Intensely Anti-Abortion

Ignacio Reyes and David Schmidt have the look of a boy band; they're young and flashy, earnest and media-savvy. As leaders of the group Live Action, they're committed to organizing a corps of young anti-abortion activists. During a town hall meeting hosted by Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), a neatly attired young man rose to ask the congresswoman a question. He identified himself as Ignacio Reyes and he asked Lofgren: "We know that over 90 percent of abortions are purely elective, not medically necessary. Why is this being covered when abortion is not clearly health care?" The question -- a fair one, and asked politely -- was greeted by a round of applause and cheers from some members of the audience. "Abortion will be covered as a benefit by one or more of the healthcare plans available to Americans, and I think it should be," Lofgren responded.
Click here for the full article.

Doctors against Obamacare

Blogger El Marco is in Washington, D.C., and e-mailed a few pics from the Doctors against Obamacare rally yesterday. He writes: “On September 10, 2009, doctors, nurses and other medical professionals came to Washington, D.C. from across the country to show their opposition to Obamacare. This rally exploded the government-created myth that there is unanimity amongst health care professionals for Democrat plans to take over health care.”
Click here for the full article.