August 12, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

"Disaster plans leave disabled behind"

In the midst of a national debate on healthcare rationing of the elderly, disabled, and informed comes this, posted on Drudge this morning. in the Washington Times:

    Four years after Hurricane Katrina exposed major deficiencies in the capacity of governments to evacuate and care for the disabled during a natural disaster, America's most vulnerable citizens are barely considered in most emergency plans, according to a report being issued Wednesday by the National Council on Disability.

    The report says huge gaps exist in those emergency plans despite an executive order issued by President Bush in 2004 urging federal and local governments, as well as private organizations, to consider the unique needs of the disabled when planning rescues and preparing to provide emergency shelter....
Click here for the full article.

ObamaCare Shocker: Send in the Social Workers

The proposed Obama government healthcare bill has a government snitch network built into it, allowing social workers to gain access to your home under the pretext of checking on your new baby, or soon-to-be-born baby. It will result in many many more children being taken from families by state Child Protective Services agencies. This is the fulfillment of a long-held dream by child protection agencies to gain access to homes, without first getting a report of abuse or neglect, as currently required by law. Mandated visits to homes by government agents has been a favorite cause of Hillary Clinton, and of the radical bureaucrats running the U.S. Administration of Children and Families.
Click here for the full article.

Pro-Abort Feds Try to Detect 'Lone Offenders'

[Baby Murdering] federal authorities have launched an effort to detect lone attackers who may be contemplating politically charged assaults similar to the recent murders of a Kansas abortion doctor and a Holocaust museum security guard. The effort, known as the "Lone Wolf Initiative," was started shortly after President Obama's inauguration, in part because of a rising level of hate speech and surging gun sales. "Finding those who might plan and act alone, the so-called lone offenders ... will only be prevented by good intelligence [sic], the seamless exchange of information among law enforcement at every level, and vigilant citizens reporting suspicious activity," said Michael Heimbach, the FBI's assistant director for counterterrorism.
Click here for the full article.

Swine Flu Vaccine Should Not Be Given to Children in Schools

On April 26, a national public health emergency was declared by officials in the U.S. Departments of Health and Homeland Security. We were told it was necessary to declare a national emergency because people were getting sick from a new swine flu virus that began in Mexico and might cause a deadly influenza pandemic. So far, the vast majority of people who get sick with swine flu have symptoms that are no worse than the regular flu and recover completely.
Click here for the full article.

Obamacare: Seniors Know They Will Not Be Better Off

A recent Gallup Poll found that only 20% of seniors think that Obamacare will improve their health situations. From the story:

    “We are not talking about cutting Medicare benefits,” Obama said, trying to assuage the audience. But Obama is talking about finding hundreds of billions in savings from Medicare — cuts supporters say will trim fat from the program — including slashing $156 billion in subsidies to Medicare Advantage, a privately-administered Medicare program…

    A July 31 Gallup poll found that just 20 percent of Americans aged 65 and older believe health care reform would improve their own situation, noticeably lower than the 27 percent of 18- to 49-year olds and 26 percent of 50 to 64-year olds who say the same.

My only question is: What’s up with that 20%? The cuts to the already strained Medicare budget are sure to impact the quality of care they receive, the president’s closest advisers on health care see seniors as the problem and cost cutting as the answer, and the scent of rationing is in the air.  I mean, what does it take to learn that someone isn’t on your side?
Click here for the full article.