August 17, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Planned Parenthood Wants Federal Judge to Put Restraining Order on South Dakota

Planned Parenthood has asked 'U.S. District Judgette Karen Schreier' to prevent South Dakota from suspending or revoking its license to perform abortions because of state claims that it violated a law requiring doctors to tell women that abortion ends a human life. Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota requested a temporary restraining order in response to a letter it received Monday from the state Department of Health. The letter, included in the court file, lists numerous deficiencies reportedly found in May during an inspection of the state's only abortion clinic, in Sioux Falls. The agency gave Planned Parenthood, which operates the clinic, until Aug. 22 to submit a correction plan. ... Planned Parenthood asked U.S. District Judgette Karen Schreier to prevent the state from taking any action until she decides whether to rule on some or all of the lawsuit or let the case go to trial.
Click here for the full article.

40 Pro-Life Students Trek 10,000 Miles to D.C.

Forty pro-life college students who walked across the country from California witnessing about the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death will reach Washington, D.C., on Saturday. Organized by pro-life group Crossroads, the 40 young adults from colleges around the country spent 12 weeks walking through 36 states, thousands of municipalities, towns and cities, and collectively logged 10,000 miles during the summer pilgrimage. In the cities they traveled through, the students took part in activities such as peaceful protests and sidewalk counseling at abortion clinics.
Click here for the full article.

Planned Parenthood: Kill Your Babe at Home

Surgical abortions decreased. Now PP has given females drugs to kill their infants at home. Some female deaths have resulted because of course PP doesn't have it altogether. So now the American home has become the real-life real-time abortuary. The mother is really the hands-on killer. So the Republic falls more quickly, more horrifically. PP wiggles every demon in place to do whatever is necessary in order to further its death trade. Of course, death-bound Dems and death-vowed B.. H. Obama, Marxist Muslim, up the ante.
Click here for the full article.

Spain's Justice Minister says doctors not allowed to object to abortion

The Collegial Medical Organization and various pro-life groups in Spain have strongly rejected statements by the country's Minister of Justice, Francisco Caamano, who said Thursday that "there is no room for conscientious objection" when it comes to abortion.
The president of the Collegial Medical Organization, Dr. Juan Jose Rodriguez Sendin, said, "The right doctors have in Spain to conscientious objection is going to be respected, whether they like it or not, and it is better this is accepted on good rather than on bad terms."
Conscientious objection is universally recognized in the medical profession, he insisted, noting that the commitment not to kill, not to abort, not to take part in torture, not to betray patients has been part of medical practice for more than 40 centuries.
Click here for the full article.

Holdren: Infants Not Human Beings

The infamous Holdren quotes from the 1977 'Ecoscience' textbook, proposing forced sterilizations and other draconian measures to bring about mass death, are no incidental exercises in academic frivolity. In the 1973 publication 'Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions', co-authored by his old buddies, the Ehrlichs, Holdren wrote quite candidly about his basic view on human life, providing us with a peek at the decaying undergrowth out of which the Ecoscience document has emerged, proposing among other things a 'planetary regime' to assume command of matters of life and death.

In chapter 8 of the 'Human Ecology'-document, page 235, Holdren gives us his definition of human life:

"The fetus", Holdren writes, "given the opportunity to develop properly before birth, and given the essential early socializing experiences and sufficient nourishing food during the crucial early years after birth, will ultimately develop into a human being."
Click here for the full article.

Sleepless in Shanghai

Reaping What They Didn't Sow

Remember all the Malthusian scare talk of a generation ago about overpopulation? Boy, were they wrong.

The world faces a potential demographic crisis that threatens both the global economy and global stability. Too few, not too many, children are being born in many countries around the world.

Low birthrates in Europe, East Asia, and even in places like Iran have resulted in rapidly aging societies. These societies will soon find themselves unable to sustain the kind of economic growth necessary to care for their population and maintain social peace.
Click here for the full article.